Travels of a Scenic Artist and Scholar: CITT August 15, 2018

Travels of a Scenic Artist and Scholar: CITT August 15, 2018

CITT 2018

I am taking a brief break from my tales concerning the life and times of Thomas G. Moses to focus on CITT. This year
CITT is in St. Catharine’s, Ontario; this is the Canadian equivalent of USITT (United Institute of Theatre Technology). My company, Historic Stage Services LLC, was co-sponsoring a  scene painting class with Rosco paint to explore foliage painting techniques. The class consisted of a diverse group of theatre practitioners interested in painting techniques. The class was scheduled from 9AM-5PM on August 15 and 9AM-12PM.

CITT 2018 

We focused on artistic process, compositional coloration, contrast and brush stroke. As part of the class, I worked up a quick composition in steps on a 4’ x 6’ flat. My sample was to explain techniques and coloration. The day was not about replicating any particular composition, but examining and practicing various techniques, as each student worked up their own project. We try to share a variety of tools and techniques that may be helpful for future projects.

Wendy Waszut-Barrett leading the scene painting class at CITT. Historic Stage Services LLC and Rosco co-sponsored the 2018 event.
My foliage sample to share various painting techniques and coloration for woodland scenes at CITT 2018.

The group decided to take the last ninety minutes of class to venture over to the Shaw Festival Prop and Scenery shop, as three staff members were taking the class. It was delightful to learn about the process, products and tools used by the artisans in each shop. There is nothing quite like being part of a group who all gasp as a tray of textured paint roller were brought out! After, the tour, some of us stopped by the No. 99 Wayne Gretzky Estates Distillery and Winery on our way back to the reception.

Paint sink in the Shaw Festival scene shop

The rest of our week is action packed as I finish conducting the scene painting class, share historical scenery artifacts as part of the learning lab, and visit the Hamilton Scottish Rite.

To be continued…


Wendy Rae Waszut-Barrett, PhD, is an author, artist, and historian, specializing in painted settings for opera houses, vaudeville theaters, social halls, cinemas, and other entertainment venues. For over thirty years, her passion has remained the preservation of theatrical heritage, restoration of historic backdrops, and the training of scenic artists in lost painting techniques. In addition to evaluating, restoring, and replicating historic scenes, Waszut-Barrett also writes about forgotten scenic art techniques and theatre manufacturers. Recent publications include the The Santa Fe Scottish Rite Temple: Freemasonry, Architecture and Theatre (Museum of New Mexico Press, 2018), as well as articles for Theatre Historical Society of America’s Marquee, InitiativeTheatre Museum Berlin’s Die Vierte Wand, and various Masonic publications such as Scottish Rite Journal, Heredom and Plumbline. Dr. Waszut-Barrett is the founder and president of Historic Stage Services, LLC, a company specializing in historic stages and how to make them work for today’s needs. Although her primary focus remains on the past, she continues to work as a contemporary scene designer for theatre and opera.

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