Copyright © 2020 by Wendy Waszut-Barrett
John C. Bronaugh and Benjamin F. Dunn managed the Kansas City Scenic Company, established in approximately 1890. Dunn functioned as the president of the company, with Bronaugh as general manager and treasurer. It was Bronaugh, however, who was credited with establishing the firm. He moved from his hometown of Olathe, Kansas, to Kansas City, the same years that Lem Graham arrived and started a scenic studio, possibly the earliest iteration of Kansa City Scenic Co.
Bronaugh’s 1925 obituary provides a wealth of information, so here is the article in its entirety:
“J. C. Bronaugh, 63, K. C. Pioneer Dies.
“John C. Bronaugh, formerly upper house alderman and widely known leader in Kansas City democratic circles died today at his home at 408 East Twenty-seventh street. He was 63 years old.
“Mr. Bronaugh had been ill more than three years, suffering with complications of the liver. He went to Mayo clinic in Rochester, Minn., three years ago for an operation, following which he moved with his family to Pasadena, California, for the betterment of his health.
“After three years residence in Pasadena, Mr. Bronaugh returned to Kansas City six weeks ago and remained here until his death.
“Mr. Bronaugh had lived in Kansas City forty-one years and was a treasurer and general manager of the Kansas City Scenic company which he established 35 years ago. He was born January 3, 1862 in Cass country, Missouri.
“Active in Democratic politics for many years, Mr. Bronaugh served as upper house alderman under the second administration of former Mayor Henry L. Jost and under the second administration of the late Mayor James Cowgill, and his successors, Sam B, Strother and Frank H. Cromwell.
“While in the council Mr. Bronaugh was chairman of the joint finance committee. With the exception of two years, he was a member of the Democratic county committee from 1902 to 1920 and is a past president of the Jackson County Democratic club.
“Mr. Bronaugh was a member of the Masonic bodies of the city, of the Arrat Shrine and of the Elks. He was a life member on the research Hospital association and had been a director of the hospital several years.
“Mr. Bronaugh is survived by the widow, Mrs. Lula Miller Bronaugh, whom he married in 1896 in Baldwin, Kan.; son, John G. Bronaugh, 408 East Twenty-seventh street and another son, George M. Bronaugh, and a daughter, Miss Cleda May Bronaugh, who lived in the family home in Pasadena. Two sisters, Mrs. Lela Lancaster, of Olathe, Kan., and Mrs. Morena Lee, of Peculiar, Mo., also survive.
The funeral services will be at 2:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon in the Mellody-Joyce-Taylor undertaking establishment, 3133 Euclid avenue. Gate City lodge, No. 5 A.F. and A.M., will be in charge of the services, Burial will be in a vault in Forest Hill cemetery.-K.C. Post, July 15.
Deceased was a cousin of F. W. and Miss Cora Bronaugh, east of Clinton. He was a great worker for Wall Bronaugh, deceased, who ran for railroad commissioner.”

Tomorrow I explore Bronaugh’s connection to the Dunn family.
To be continued…