Sosman & Landis: Shaping the Landscape of American Theatre. Employee No. 103: J. C. Evans

Copyright © 2023 by Wendy Waszut-Barrett

On Aug 2, 1885, the “Chicago Tribune” published a list of Sosman & Landis employees who contributed to the Grant Memorial Fund. For an understanding of the donations listed below, $1.00 in 1885 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $31.00 today.

The list of Sosman & Landis employees who made donations included:

Sosman & Landis       $10.00

Thomas G. Moses       $2.00

Henry J. Buhler           $2.00

David A. Strong          $1.00

George W. Dayton      $1.00

J. C. Evans                  $1.00

Karl Boettger              $1.00

Frank E. Gates $1.00

John Moore                 $1.00

Edward Loitz              $1.00

C. W. Carey                $1.00

C. M. Crouse              $1.00

Frank Lewis                $1.00

William Martin           $0.50

Frank Ford                  $0.50

B. P. Lee                     $0.50

Julius Fehrman           $0.50

Fred Miller                  $0.50

Hugo Schoessling       $0.50

Mrs. J. S. Curran         $0.50  

Ed Donnigan               $0.25

Kirke W. Moses          $0.25

This post is about J. C. Evans who donated $1 to the Grant Memorial Fund in 1885.

I began researching Evans while waiting for a plane in the Minneapolis airport on January 9, 2023. My destination was Galveston, Texas. I had been hired by the Galveston Scottish Rite to examine the contents of their scenery collection. You could not have imagined my surprised when I began to track down the scenic art career of J. C. Evans (1841-1915), as he worked in Galveston, c. 1867-1880.

Advertisement placed by J. C. Evans in 1873.

The initials “J. C.”  were for John Charles, but many people in Galveston called him “Charley.” It was a challenge tracking down the life and career of Evans as his ethnicity continued to shift. Even the end of his life presented more questions than answers.

There are two entries in the Cook County Illinois Death Index for John Evans; this is the same person, buried in the same cemetery.  One entry lists his birthplace as Italy: the other lists Cuba. I encountered a very similar issue with the birthplace of Evans and his parents over the course of decades.

The 1880 US Federal census lists Evans mother as Spanish, with his father hailing from England.  The 1900 Census indicates that Evans was born at sea, with his father from Spain, and his mother from England. The 1910 census lists his father as Spanish, and his mother from New York.

Spain – Cuba – Italy.  I began to wonder if he was passing.

I took a deep dive into Evans’ life, examining name changes, directory listings, travels, and employment, all through the lens of enslaved Texans and the Jim Crow South. I traced the trail of Evans; male born in Texas, c. 1840-1841. I think that I located Evans and his family in East Texas. I certainly learned quite a bit about the region.

If I have tracked the correct J. C. Evans…eventual scenic artist at Sosman & Landis in 1885…here is his story:

As a young man, John C. Evans pops up in the small town of Angelina. You can’t find it now, as 1893 the town’s name was changed from Angelina to Durst. Angelina was in Angelina County, the only Texas county named after a woman. For geographical context, Angelina County lies in the angle between the Neches and Angelina Rivers, two waterways that provided access to Beaumont and other coast ports. Angelina County was also the ONLY East Texas County, and one of a select few throughout the state, that did NOT vote for secession in 1861.

The town of Angelina was settled before to the Civil War, with a post office opening in 1855. In 1850, the population of Angelina reached 1,165 with 196 enslaved residents, although I located only 130 on slave schedules for the county that year. The following slave owners were listed in the  slave schedules filed in Angelina County: Solomon Wolfe (50 slaves), L. L. Ewing (35 slaves), Sammie Needham (9 slaves), John F. Robert (3 slaves), William Harrington (7 slaves), John L. Boman, (20 slaves), Gedas Weeks (4 slaves), W. W. Hankes (10 slaves), George R McClay (3 slaves), George Massingill (2 slaves), Gael Hill (6 slaves), Nathan Hicken (4 slaves), Mary Walker (4 slaves), Sarah Goodwin (2 slaves), Camelia Dalerhid (5 slaves), Ephraim Anderson (2 slaves), John Sessions (3 slaves), B Shelt (1 slave), S. Nearn (1 slave), James Ashworth (1 slave), L. F. McFaden (1 slave), A Almirall (7 slaves), Enoch Needham (3 slaves), Jameel Needham (14 slaves), E. H. Jennis (1 slave).

By 1859, the number of enslaved individuals in the Angelina County was purported to be 427, with an estimated value of $269,550. During this time, the cotton industry in the area occupied about 2,048 acres in the county land. Cotton and other goods were floated down the river. In addition to plantation owners, there were many very poor farmers who owned no slaves.

There are a few things to consider about the county of Angelina and the State of Texas between Evans birth in 1840-1841 and his work as a scenic artist by the 1860s. The 1850 and 1860 US Federal Census only reported the names of free black people.

This is only a very small portion of the population as so much of the black population was enslaved. Mixed-race cohabitation was also illegal in many areas and meant that census data may record a black individual as white, and vice versa. In many cases, passing necessitated that individuals physically distance themselves from family members (parents, spouses or children) who could not pass for white. It appears that John C. Evans left his family at the age of 18 and never returned. He headed to Galveston where he began working as a sign painter.

Galveston remained the only major port in Confederate hands at the end of the Civil War. In fact, on June 19, 1865, 2,000 US troops arrived in Galveston Bay, announcing that enslaved people in the state were free by executive decree. At the time, there were approximately 250,000 enslaved people in the State of Texas. Keep in mind that the Emancipation Proclamation was signed on Jan. 1, 1863. Juneteenth is the federal holiday commemorating the abolition of slavery in Texas on June 19, 1865.

This was the world where Evans was born, raised, and began his career as an artist. 

Evans was the eldest son of John Evans and Mary H. Evans. His father was listed as a 37-yrs.-old carpenter in the 1850 Census, born in Mississippi. His mother Mary was listed as born in Tennessee. They were purportedly married in 1840 and celebrated the birth of their first child (J. C. Evans) in Texas the following year.  According to 1850 and 1860 census reports, all of their ten children were born in Texas, although no county is specified.

The 1860 census listed an 18 yrs. old J. C. Evans as part of the Evans household. Other members included following Evans family members living in Angelina: Mary H. Evans (36), Sarah (16), William (14), Joel H (12), Polly (11), Marion (9), Latimore (7), Benedict (5), and Alice (3). Evans father had died earlier that year, but he may have left well before that. Interestingly, one family tree at lists a second spouse for John Evans Sr. – Citha Ann Smith, citing a marriage in 1854. However, I have only located only one marriage for Citha Ann Smith that same years to S. M. Tucker in Cherokee County, Texas; Cherokee County is directly northwest of Angelina County. Everything is a bit too close to completely discount this possible connection, especially since S. M. Tucker was living in Angelina, Texas, in 1850. I have encountered too many illegitimate children and bigamists to believe everything in a census report, especially prior to the Emancipation Proclamation.

18 -yrs.-old John C. Evans listed in the 1860 Census Report, Angelina, Texas.

There were numerous slave owners in the East Texas region with the last name of Evans, individuals who owned children, many listed as “mulatto,” sharing the same age as J. C. Evans, scenic artist. I have no concrete evidence to verify or disprove Evans’ race, especially when considering how enslaved people listed in slave schedules. I will say, there is something that hits you to the core when examining slave schedules; seeing thousands of human beings who are only identified by age, gender, color, and owner. This topic is central to American History, and any attempt to diminish its lasting legacy reveals an underlying desire to repeat it.

Portion of a slave schedule for Angelina County, Texas, 1850.

That being said, Evans’ theatrical endeavors made news by the fall of 1863 when he managed the Southern Dramatic Association. Keep in mind that the Civil War started April 12, 1861, and ended May 13, 1865. Evans first appears in a Houston newspaper on October 23, 1863.

Houston’s “Tri-Weekly Telegraph” published the following announcement:

“Notice. – The Southern Dramatic Association take pleasure in announcing to the ladies and gentlemen of this city and vicinity, that they have employed an efficient Police force to preserve strict order. Polite ushers will be in attendance to seat ladies. Smoking and other nuisances will be strictly prohibited. -J.C. Evans, manager” (page 1). On September 16, 1863, $3380 was raised in Houston by the Southern Dramatic Association to present silver battle medals. They were created from Silver dollars and the only Confederate wartime issued battle medals. These medals commemorated the Battle of Sabine Pass that allowed the Confederacy to maintain control of the Texas coastline for the duration of the Civil War. Here is a link to learn more about the Battle of Sabine Pass and the medals presented by the Southern Dramatic Association: (

Perkin’s Hall became the home for the Southern Dramatic Association during the war. On January 28, 1864, the “Tri-Weekly Telegraph” reported, “The Southern Dramatic Association will play the thrilling drama called the ‘Guerilla Chief’ again this evening, at Perkins’ Hall. The play is founded on facts that have taken place during this war in Virginia and are of the most truthful and thrilling character. The Hall has been crowded nightly by delighted audiences, and all who have attended pronounce it the best play ever produced on the stage in this city. Mr. John English, the unrivaled actor, and Mrs. Sala sustain the leading characters. If our reader wishes to witness an interesting play, they should not fail to attend” (page 2)

He next appears as a theatre performer on May 2, 1866 (page 4). Mr. J. C. Evans was listed as performing a “comic song” after Mr. and Mrs. Bates production of “Leah the Forsaken; or the Jewish Maiden’s Wrong.”

J. C. Evans as a performer in 1866, Houston.

The first mention of Evans as a scenic artist was in 1866 at Perkin’s Hall in Houston. He delivered scenery for the “Camille” production on April 12, 1866. Houston’s “Daily Telegraph” reported, “J.  C.  Evans, the scenic artist, had contributed greatly to the success of the play.” Evans worked as both a scenic and decorative painter, initially specializing in fresco and sign painting.

On July 4, 1866, the “Tri-Weekly Telegraph” mentioned scenery by Evans at another Perkin’s Theatre Show, “Aladdin; or the Wonderful Lamp.”  The advertisement announced, “Produced after weeks of preparation, and without regard to cost with NREW Scenery by J. C. Evans; New Machinery by J. G. Steele and assistants; New Properties and Appointments by W. L. Forrester; New Dresses and Wardrobe by Job Jameson.”

1866 advertisement listing New Scenery by J. C. Evans.

On May 17, 1867, Houston’s “Tri-Weekly Telegraph” announced:

“A solution. A correspondent sends us the following situation of the ‘Curious Fact,’ published in our columns yesterday: ‘Notwithstanding the removal of the Postoffice, the public are informed that they may still obtain letters of every description at its former locality by applying to J. C. Evan and E. S. Fendwick, house and sign painters. M.J.L.” (page 5).

This was Edward S. Fenwick; Fenwick’s father, Cornelius Cuthbert Fenwick (1815-1874), was an English painter, having passed along the trade to his sons, including Edward (b. New York, 1838), Charles (b. Illinois, 1852), and Fred/Fritz (b. Illinois, 1855). Evans partnership with Fenwick was short-lived, as Fenwick died from yellow fever that fall.

In 1867, Evans worked in both Houston and Galveston. On Aug 22, 1867, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Major Dick Dowling has just received from the easel of Charley Evans the handsomest sign in Texas – Evans is without rival in the Trans-Mississippi Department as a sign-writer, and Dick Dowling is a legitimate representative of Bacchus – ‘in a horn.’ (page 2).

Informal articles and stories refer to J. C. Evans as Charley or Charles; John Charles Evans used his middle name quite a bit in Galveston, until his only son came of age.

On Oct. 1, 1868, the “Weekly Telegraph” reported, “We have received from Mr. J. C. Evans, No. 84 Main Street, a bust of Horatio Seymour, executed in plaster. It is a striking likeness of the great statesman, and will place Mr. Evans as an artist, in a new light before the public. The bust is from a photograph recently taken in Utica, the home of Mr. Seymour, and therefore may be relied upon as correct. A specimen of this work can be seen at Marston & Hopkin’s store, on Main Street, or at the office of the TELEGRAPH. Mr. Evans informs us that he is now prepared to supply duplicates at reasonable rates” (page 6).

By the summer of1869, Evans became associated with a local Galveston business – Rice & Baulard.

Rice & Baulard advertisement mentioning J. C. Evans in 1869. 

On June 16, 1869, a “Galveston Daily” advertisement announced:

“J. C. Evans, with Rice & Baulard.

Dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, etc. Wall Paper and Window Shades.

77 Tremont Street, Galveston.

House, Sign, Fresco and Banner Painting.”

Joseph W. Rice and Victor Joseph Baulard established Rice & Baulard in 1850, advertising as dealers of ready mixed paints, window glass, wall papers, oils, and contract painters. Rice was the master painter, with Baulard first working as his assistant, c. 1845-1850. Their advertisements provide a sneak peak into the goods and services they were offering. On March 27, 1866, the “Galveston Daily News” included a Rice & Baulard advertisement noting: “Paints, oils, glass.-we are continually receiving fresh goods in our line from New York, such as WHITE LEAD. Different brands, French and American zinc, Linseed oil, raw and boiled, Turpentine, varnish. American and French glass, single kinds; together with Fire and Artist’s’ colors and tools and prepared canvas, etc. Work executed as usual” (page 4). The firm was later associated with the Galveston Paint Co.

Rice & Baulard’s firm in Galveston, showing a Galveston Paint Co. can of Ready Mixed Paints.

Evans continued to work for Rice & Baulard until the fall of 1868 when he struck out on his own. On Aug 11, 1868, “The Galveston Daily News” reported a series of transparent signs painted “by the skilled hand of our friend ‘Charley Evans’” (page 2). By Sept. 11, 1869, the “Galveston Daily” announced, “Mr. J. C. Evans, the popular sign painter, formerly with Rice & Baulard, has established himself at 220 Tremont Street. Mr. Evans, we understand, has been engaged as a scenic artist at the Galveston Theatre His card will be found in another column” (page 2). After Evans departure from Rice & Baulard, George W. Outterside joined the business.

Evans not only painted scenery for the venue, but also continued to advertise as a local sign painter. On Dec. 4, 1869, advertisement J. C. Evans Sign Painter 220 Tremont Street Galveston

J. C. Evans advertisement from 1869.

Sign painting was still listed as his primary occupation in 1870 Galveston City Directory: “J. C. Evans, Painter (Sign), 220 Tremont, or 23rd street.” This listing changed by 1872: “J. C. Evans, scene painter, Tremont Opera, res Ave. H, bet 18th and 19th St.” Around this time, Evans married and shared a home with his wife and child. Historical records suggest that the marriage took place in 1870, but the age of their child predates that date by several years. The only marriage certificate that I have been able to locate is dated Sept. 1, 1870, New Orleans; John Evans married Julia Kelly.  I have yet to confirm these are the correct individuals, as Julia later went by Julia C. Evans or Julia E. Evans, remaining int the Galveston area with their son until the 1880s.

Oct. 16, 1869, “Galveston Daily News” (page 3). For Joe Jefferson’s “Rip Van Winkle”, Evans was credited with special scenery to accompany the touring production. The article reported, “The scenery has never been approached by anything ever put on the stage in this city. Aside from the difference in the size of the stage it would not be appropriate to compare the scenes with that of any other theatre in the country. From first to last they were true to nature, and finished with a degree of precision which can only be attained by a master hand, and being the production of Galveston artist, Mr. J. C. Evans, we take much pleasure in commending the work so faithfully and faultlessly performed. The scenery and effects are really beautiful, and deserving of all the praise that has been bestowed on them.”

A new playhouse was built in Galveston in 1870 on the corner of Tremont and Market, on the old site of Neitch’s. The new stage was described in detail by Joseph Gallegly’s “Footlights on the Border” (1962). Galleghy included an excerpt describing the theatre in his publication, writing:

“‘…in all its appointments an exact counterpart of Booth’s in New York’, extended the entire width of the building and was 39 feet nine inches deep, with a proscenium arch 45 feet in width. The scenery, mounted on rubber rollers, and all machinery for stage operations, were in imitation of similar devices at Booth’s. Footlights of white, red, and blue made possible interesting scenic effects.”

I included this description because it provides one more link with New York. Being a port town, Galveston was directly connected with New York, just like New Orleans. There was a constant stream of individuals traveling from the Gulf to the Eastern seaboard. Despite an ever-expanding network of railway transportation, a major exchange of goods and services was available at Galveston Island. Unlike many Texas communities that fell far inland, there was a close connection with major metropolitan communities linked by major waterways.

In addition to working as the scenic artist, Evans also became the stage manager. On July 25, 1872, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “The general management of this entertainment devolves upon Mr. J. C. Evans, then whom no better man could possibly have been selected” (page 3). His role at the opera house was repeatedly mentioned in newspaper article. On August 2, 1872, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Mr. J. C. Evans, the stage manager, was, as he always is, up to his part. Charley has become an institution of this city, and if you wish to make an enterprise successful, all you have to do is to call on ‘Charley” (page 3).

Evans remained connected with the opera house, while continuing to work throughout the region. On July 4, 1873, The “Daily Mercury” of Houston, Texas, announced.” Artistic.

In another column will be found the card of J. C. Evans, the popular scenic artist and decorator. Mr. Evans has, as scenic artist of the Galveston Opera House, become well known to most people of our State, while his decorations and scenery at the Houston New City Hall and Theatre commands the admiration of every beholder.”

From the fall of 1873 to the spring of 1874, Evans placed advertisements in Houston and Galveston newspapers. On Sept. 27, 1873, the “Houston Daily Mercury” advertised:

“J. C. Evans, Scenic Artist and Fresco Painter.

Orders for public and private Theatrical scenery, Church, Theatrical and Public Hall Decorations promptly attended to Address, Galveston and Houston” (page 3).

On Sept 12, 1873, “The Galveston Daily News” reported on the opening of the remodeled opera house on Market and Tremont street (page 3): “By the way, our Houston friends are preparing for a brisk season. We had the pleasure of examining their new theatre the day before yesterday, under the guidance of scenic artist Mr. Chas. Evans, and find it a very pretty place indeed. The scenery and decorations, got up my Mr. Evans, are artistically executed and would do credit to a much more pretentious establishment than that at Houston” (page 3)…”Perkins Theatre had also been put in repair…” On Sept 16, 1873, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, (page 2) “The illumination of the Academy of music took place at 8 o’clock to-night. The electric light showed well. The scenery, painted by J. C. Evans was magnificent. The mayor and alderman, and many ladies of the city, were present. After the scenery was all shown, Mr. Evans was called out and made a neat speech.”

Evans continued to complete a variety of painting projects in Galveston, including banners for local fire stations. On March 29, 1874, “The Galveston Daily News” announced, “The beautiful banner, recently painted by Mr. J. C. Evans, for Star State Fire Company, No. 3, will be on exhibition tomorrow at Mr. Evan’s studio, No. 166 Twenty-second street. It is a splendid work of art and should be examined by all connoisseurs” (page 4).  On April 11, 1874, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, ‘A beautiful banner for Island City Steam Fire Engine Company No. 2 has just been completed by Mr. J. C. Evans and will be exhibited at his studio on Monday next” (page 4).

By 1874, Evans was publicly acknowledged as a Galveston asset. On Feb 18, 1874, “The Galveston Daily News” published a letter to Mr. J. C. Evans in “New Advertisements. Complimentary.”-

“Mr. J. C. Evans:

Dear Sire – We the undersigned citizens of Galveston, having known and esteemed you for many years – both as a man and as an artist – and having witnessed the promptness with which you have always given your personal services to the calls of charity, and the alacrity with which you have contributed to the pleasure of our citizens, desire, in acknowledgment of these, to tender you for a complimentary benefit, and will be glad to have you name a time and place, for the evidence of your approbation” (page 2). A list of 48 names and Evans’ response followed:

“Gentlemen – It is with gratitude that I acknowledge the receipt of your note, tendering me a complimentary benefit. The obligation I feel for this mark of your approbation is enhanced by the feeling and delicate terms in which it is conveyed. Be pleased to accept my thanks; and, if it should suit your convenience, I will name Saturday, February 21, at the Tremont Opera House.

Like many American scenic artists, Evans continued to perform on stage. On June 25, 1874, “The Galveston Daily News” included an advertisement for an event at the Tremont Opera House for Louisiana Sufferers.  J. C. Evans was listed as the stage manager and a performer of “Lamentable Facts” alongside, Messrs. Ketchum, Johnson and Shields” (page 2). On Nov. 19, 1874, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Mr. J. C. Evans, the well-known scenic artist, played one of the characters to DeBar’s Falstaff at the opera house Monday night” (page 2).

He also continued to complete fine art projects. On Jan. 15, 1875, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Portrait of General Lee. A life-size portrait of General R. E. Lee may now be seen in one of the windows of Shaw Brother’s jewelry store, on Tremont street. The portrait was executed by J. C. Evans, Esq. from a photograph of General Lee taken in Richmond, Virginia” (page 4). On Dec. 19, 1875, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Promenade Concert given under the auspices of the Mozartina and Island City Glee Clubs at Armory Hall, dec, 29 1875.  On which occasion will be given away as prizes thirty-one oil paintings, executed by Mr. J. C. Evans.” (page 2).

Evans listed occupation in the Galveston Directory shifted over the years.

The 1874 Galveston Directory listed, “Charles Evans, painter, 171 e Postoffice.”

The1875 Galveston Directory listed, “J. C. Evans, painter, Opera House, bds. Av. E or Postoffice, bet. 21st and 22d.”

The 1876 Galveston Directory listed decorative painter, bds. 114 e Pst [Postoffice]. Res es 22nd, bet Post and Church.

The 1877 Galveston Directory listed, “J. C. Evans, portrait painter, res 36 Winnie, bet 18th and 19th.

The 1878 Galveston Directory listed, “J. C. Evans, scene painter, res 36 Winnie, bet 18th and 19th.

In 1878 Evans began to travel farther and farther away from Galveston. On Oct. 27, 1878, the “Galveston Daily” reported, “Mr. J. C. Evans, the artist, has returned to the city from Dallas, where he has been engaged for several months” (page 11). On his return, he established a boarding house. On Oct 28, 1877, “The Galveston Daily News” published the following:

“Two and a half story house, fourteen rooms, newly repaired, suitable for boarding house. J. P. Evans” (page 1). Despite a variety of investments and painting projects, Evans was still associated with the opera house as its business and stage manager.

. On July 6, 1879, the “Galveston Daily” reported,

“Improvements at the Opera House.

A News reporter visited the opera house yesterday and was shown through the entire building by J. C. Evans, scenic artist of the theatre, who has been engaged on the scenery for some time past. Mr. Evans was up to his eyes in work when the reporter called upon him and was demonstrating that the scenery would. Be finished in the highest style of art, and in a manner which not only would reflect credit to him as an artist of the first rank, but resound to the honor of the city and the opera house. All of the scenes will be renewed, as well as the drop curtain. The auditorium is to be renovated throughout. All of the interior scenes are to be modern patterns and complete sets for such standard dramas as may be necessary to be presented, have been provided. All of the scenes will be complete in every particular, which has never before been attempted in this city. The number of new sets will number about twenty-eight. The parquette circle previously has contained three rows of chairs outside of the supporting posts of the auditorium. The intention now is to remove the circle about one-half the distance toward the stage and change the directions of the aisles in a manner that will not only improve the appearance of the interior, but greatly conducive to the comfort of the audience. The seats in the circle are also to be increased six inches in distance from each other, thus making the matter of ingress and egress much more convenient than formerly” (page 11).

On October 5, 1879, the “Galveston Daily News” reported:

“The Opera-House. During the past summer manager Evans has devoted not more attention to the securing of a list of first class attractions for the approaching theatrical season than to a renovation and remodeling of the interior of the opera-house. By liberal expenditure of money he has through the services of a competent artist and skilled workman carried out a comprehensive series of improvement. On Friday evening the whole was exhibited to the representatives of the press by gaslight for the purpose of informing the public of what has been done and of showing how everything worked. The performance passed off satisfactorily to the manager and was the subject of comments from others present. The stage has been supplied with a new stock of scenery out and out – new in in frame, canvas, gear, design and painting – and for the first time the opera-house was built a complete stock. The scenic artist Mr. J. C. Evans has been engaged several months in the work of painting the scenes. He has executed every design with care and skill, and has worthily illustrated his genius in several, the most significant of which is the drop curtain. In the center of this is a picture from which a copy of the picture by Barth furnished the design, representing the casket scene in the Merchant of Venice.

[This print by F. Barth, Casket Scene – Merchant of Venice” was published in “Harper’s Bazar in 1875. The article then includes a quote from the play, Act II, Scene iii].

“Bassanio stands before the open casket, in one of which is enclosed, ‘Fair Portia’s counterfeit.” More music plays, while the lover comments to himself on the caskets – which shall be three, the gold the silver or the lead;”

[The next quote in the article is from “Merchant of Venice”,]

Thou gaudy gold,
Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee;
Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge
‘Tween man and man: but thou, thou meagre lead,
Which rather threatenest than dost promise aught,
Thy paleness moves me more than eloquence;
And here choose I; joy be the consequence!

What find I here? Fair Portia’s counterfeit.

“The picture is one that will hardly over tire the playgoer, especially if he has the critical faculty which always finds renewed pleasure in seeing a true work of art. The rest of the curtain is finished in hangings of crimson velvet and claret silk, profusely ornamented with gold drages and tassels. At the bottom of the richly carved framework surrounding the picture is a medallion portrait of Dante, supported on either side by figures holding cornucopias of flowers and fruits. The front of the stage has been lowered and the footlights sunk so that the floor is the stage may be seen from every seat. The auditorium is changed much for the better. The parquet circle has been enlarged to contain one hundred fifty to one hundred seventy-five more seats, reducing the parquet to one hundred fifty seats. The result is that there are over two hundred seats now facing the stage, the occupants which were heretofore under the necessity of twisting their bodied. In the large-parquet circle no two seats of adjacent rows are immediately in line with each other and the stage, so that hereafter nigh bonnets will be no obstruction to the view of a rear neighbor. The rows are six inches wider apart, giving room for the comfortable disposal of long limbs, they rise above each other at a rate of 5 ½ inches as you recede from the stage and the outer row is twenty inches above the old grade of the same. Much good sense has been brought to bear in the improvement of the auditorium. The credit is bestowed upon F. C, Yeager, the stage carpenter, for the manner in which he has performed his work; also upon Mr. Tom Boyle, the gas-fixture man, who has shown himself an artist in the graduations of lights and shades” (page 12).

The 1880 Galveston Directory and US Federal Census provides a snapshot into Evans’ last years in Galveston. Listed as a portrait painter, he is living with his wife, Julia E. Evans, and 16-yrs.-old son Charles Evans. His father is listed as being born in Spain and his mother being born in England.

In 1880 the Evans family were living at126 Avenue E or Postoffice Street; the same address listed for Evans in the Galveston City Directory.  It is important to note that Evans was listed in Heller’s Galveston City Directory, 1880-81 containing the addresses of all white persons in and out of the city limits, with a classified Business Directory, Post Offices and Counties in this states, money-order offices, &c. Compiled and published by John H. Heller, 511 Broadway, bet. 15th & 15th. His listing notes that he was employed at the opera house, whereas his son was a clerk at a dry goods store, P. J. Willis & Bro., cotton factors and importers and dealers in groceries, dry goods, notions, dress good. Boots and shoes and hats. This was the last time that Evans was listed in the Galveston Directory, although his wife would remain in town for at least the next four years.

By the summer of 1880, Evans was traveling, working as a scenic artist. His first project was in Brenham, Texas, approximately 76 miles northwest of Houston. On June 17, 1880, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Contracts were closed to-day for the remodeling of the Brenham opera-house. Mr. G. A. Dickey, of Houston, is architect, and Mr. J. C. Evans, of Galveston, scenic artist” (page 1). On that same day, the “Brenham Weekly” reported:


Mr. J. W. Webb, contractor, will this morning begin the work of remodeling the interior of the opera house in accordance with the plans of Mr. Dickey. Mr. J. C. Evans will also begin work on the new scenery. When complete the interior of the house will be second to none in the state” (page 3).

On July 1, 1880, the “Brenham Weekly Banner” reported:

“THE DROP CURTAIN. Yesterday, through the politeness of Mr. J. C. Evans, the artist, a BANNER reporter had the pleasure of viewing the drop curtain, which has just been completed by him. It is a beautiful landscape representing Missisquoi, near Shelton Springs. The foreground is rocks and trees, then a beautiful river with valley and mountain sin the distance. The perspective and coloring are truly artistic, and the naturalness of the picture is apparent to the eye of anyone who admires the beauty of nature. At the top and on both sides of the picture are rich curtains, while at the bottom is some beautiful scroll work, in the center of which is a splendid likeness of Col. Sam Stone, the owner of the opera house In this piece of work, Mr. Evans shows himself to be artist, in the full sense of the word. The Brenham Opera House now has one of the most handsomest as well as the most artistically executed drop curtains in the state of Texas” (page 3). 

In 1881, Evans was listed in the New Orleans City Directory as “J. Charles Evans.” He had partnered with fellow scenic artist and German immigrant, Harry Henry Dressel (1850-1905), to briefly form Dressel & Evans, scenic artists. Their firm was listed in the New Orleans Directory for 1881 and 1882.

Dressel was born in Hanover, moved to the United States with his family as a young boy, and became a scenic artist and decorator. His active years in New Orleans were approximately 1875 until his passing in 1905. Dressel is listed as an artist in a few publications, including “German Immigrant Artists in America” by Peter C. Merrill (1997).

H. H. Dressel’s grave in New Orleans.

Meanwhile his wife and son were still living in Galveston, listed in the 1882 City Directory, as “John C. Jr., clk Leon & H. Blum, home Mrs. Julia Evans” and “Julia Evans (Mrs. John C) r 210 22nd bet Ave E and F.” Her last listing at the address was in 1884: “Julia Evans (Mrs. John C.) r 160 E Winnie bt 21st, 22nd”. Evans occasionally returned to visit his family. On April 17, 1881, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Mr. J. C. Evans arrived from New Orleans yesterday on a visit to his wife and son, to stay during Spagerfest Week” (page 4).

Evans partnership with Dressel ended by 1883, with Dressel becoming the proprietor of Brown’s Hotel. Evans, however, continued to work as an artist in New Orleans, and was listed in the next three City directories. Although his address remained the same, his name shifted from Charles to John, and back again.

1883 listing: Charles Evans, painter, r. ne Palmyra, bet Delhonde and Broad

1884 listing: John Evans, painter, r. ne Palmyra, bet Delhonde and Broad

1885 listing: Charles F.  Evans, painter, r. 196 Palmyra

Meanwhile, Julia continued to struggle in Galveston without her husband. The few mentions of Mrs. John C. Evans trace the collapse of her finances and living situation.  On June 26, 1884, “The Galveston Daily News” published:

“For Rent – a furnished 2-room cottage, to gentlemen only. Possession given July 1. Next to Casino Hall. Mrs. J. C. Evans.”

By the fall, everything was being auctioned off at a public sale. On October 14, 1884, the “Galveston Daily News” announced:


We will sell on Wednesday October 15, commencing at 10 a.m. The residence of Mrs. J. C. Evans, Winnie Street…Bedroom suit, parlor, dining room, kitchen furniture, glassware, ornaments, shades, three singing canary bords and miscellaneous articles. Immediately thereafter we will sell at the cottage on Winnie Street…marble and walnut suit, kitchen, dining room and parlor furniture…”

On Dec. 31, 1884, she advertised in the Situation Wanted section of the “Galveston Dily News”: “WANTED – Position as saleslady, seamstress, housekeeper, or governess for small children in city or country. Mrs. J. C. Evans, Winnie & 21st (page 17).

In 1885, Evans relocated to Fort Worth.  On Nov. 30, 1885, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Mr. J. C. Evans, an old resident of this city, left yesterday to accept a business position at Fort Worth” (page 4). It remains uncertain as to when Julia Evans left Galveston to rejoin her husband. The next time that I have them together in the same residence in 1900.

We do know that in 1885, J. C. Evans is listed as an employee at Sosman & Landis who contributed to the Grant Memorial Fund.  It is possible that his work in Fort Worth was for a Sosman & Landis regional branch office.

His wife Julia remained Galveston for at least another two years, making the local news again in 1887.  It is at this point that I discovered Julia was also an artist. It is quite convenient that her initials were the same as her husband’s Julia C. Evans. March 20, 1887, “The Galveston Daily News” reported, “Photo painting on glass taught for $3. Printed directions and complete outfit going 24 pictures sent to any address for $5. Groups of any size painted by Mrs. J. C. Evans, next to Casino Hall. Orders can be left at J. E. Mason’s, L. C. Levi’s and Rose & Schmedling’s Photograph Gallery”.

Tracking her husband proved to be much more problematic in the late 1880s. Both Charles Evans and John Evans periodically pop up in the Chicago City Directory, each listed as painters in 1889. Then they disappear until 1896. On March 19, 1896, “The Chicago Chronicle” announced, “John C. Evans of New Brunswick, N. J. is at the Auditorium” (page 6). If “Auditorium” were not in the announcement, I would be skeptical.

The 1900 US Federal Census confirms this address. John C. Evans is listed as a scenic artist in the Chicago Directory by 1898, living at 504 Van Buren Street, at this address for the next two years. In 1900, the US Federal Census confirms this address. His household includes his wife Julia and a servant named Alma Anderson. Information listed in this census is a little scrambled. In this public records. For example, Evans lists his birthplace as “at sea,” Jan. 1840. The birthplace of his parents has been swapped; now his mother is born in England and his father is born in Spain.

John C. Evans Jr. is also living at 504 Van Buren with his wife (Nellie), two children (Milton and Charlotte), and sister-in-law (Maggi). Evans Jr. lists his birthdate as Jan 1864, Texas. His wife Nellie was born in Wales, January 1877. Their two children, Milton L. (3) and Lottie (7 months) were both born in Illinois. Their household also included Maggi Thomas, Nellie’s 20-yrs.old sister. In 1910, Evans Jr. was working as a bookkeeper in an undisclosed industry. Evans Jr. had been living in Chicago for quite some time. In 1891, John C. Evans Jr. was listed in the Chicago directory as a clerk, working at 46, 5 Wabash Ave, and living at 61 Pearce. By the end of the 1890s, Evans Jr. was again living with his parents are 504 W. Van Buren, working as a bookkeeper. In 1901, Evans Jr. is living up the street at 516 W. Van Buren.

All the Evans were still in Chicago during the 1910 census report. Evans Sr.’ and Julia are now living at 503 Claremont Avenue, Evans is listed as a scenic artist. His birthplace is listed as “Spain” with the note “A Cit.” for “American Citizen.”  The report lists that they have been married for 49 years, with Julia having given birth to only one child: one child still surviving. Evans Jr. and his family are living at 2712 Gladys St. IN Chicago.

Evans passed away on Feb. 23, 1915. I have yet to identify any obituary or article that mentions his death. As I mentioned at the beginning, there are two death records with conflicting information. Both list the name of the deceased as John Evans, each were born in 1841, and each died on Feb 23, 1915, in Cook County, Illinois. One states that the deceased’s occupation was “scene painter” and the other lists “house painter.” One lists birthplace as Italy and the other Cuba. Both records indicate that the bodies are buried in Forest Home Cemetery. It is possible that he was living two lives, but both of his wives would have been named Julia.

After her husband died, Julia lived with her son and his family; they were also living in Chicago at the time. They were still living together at the time of the 1920 US Federal Census. At the time, their household included John C. Evans Jr. (55), Nellie Evans (42), Milton Evans (22) and Charlotte Evans (20). Their household is located at 2720 Jackson Blvd. Grandson Milton Lewis Evans was working as a commercial artist.

Julia passed away on April 14, 1924. Her last residence was listed as 2720 Jackson, Blvd.  She was buried on April 16, 1924, in Woodlawn Cemetery.

John C. Evans Jr. remains in Illinois, passing away on March 8, 1952. His obituary was published in the “Chicago Tribune” on March 10, 1952: “John C. Evans of 3305 Jackson Blvd, formerly of Clarendon Jills, Ill., beloved husband on the late Nellie Evans, father of Milton L. and Mrs. Charlotte La Nove, grandfather of six, great-grandfather of seven. Services Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. at chapel, 3159 Jackson boulevard, at Kedzie. Interment Woodlawn. Member of Blarney lodge, No. 271, AF&AM, and honorary member of Hinsdale lodge AF & AM Kedzie” (page 59).

Sosman & Landis: Shaping the Landscape of American Theatre. Employee No. 102: George W. Dayton, Jr.

Copyright © 2023 by Wendy Waszut-Barrett

George W. Dayton Jr. was the first-born child of scenic artist George Washington Dayton and Julia A. Sails born, born in 1862. He followed in his father’s footsteps; first, working as his father’s assistant and later as a full-fledged scenic artist.  He was born and raised in New York. Watching first-hand as his father gained a local, regional and national reputation as a scenic artist. During his formative years in New York, Dayton Sr. worked at a variety of venues, including Grand Opera House. The 1870 US Federal Census listed the Dayton household as including George W. Dayton (35 years old, painter), Julia A. (31 yrs. old). George W. Jr. (8 yrs.) and Charles E. (4 months old, born in Feb.). Sadly, Charles passed away that same year; an event that must have been traumatic for his older brother. Another sibling would not be born for another four years. By the time his younger sister Florence arrived in 1874, George was already 12 yrs. old. By this age, many young boys entered apprenticeships. It would have been unusual for Dayton Jr. to not work as an assistant to his father at this point. Some of his early tasks would have been making glue, mixing colors, swiping down palettes, cleaning buckets, and sweeping up the paint area.

The Dayton family moved to California in 1876, and by 1878 Dayton Jr. was listed in the San Francisco Directory as a scenic artist at Baldwin’s Theatre. By this time, he was sixteen years old. His father’s scenic art works constantly made the news, praised in a variety of local papers.  Whenever Dayton Jr. was mentioned in an article, he was still referred to as an “assistant”; a title that would remain constant for almost a decade. This was how the apprenticeship system worked. “Pot boys” eventually became scenic art assistants, before being given a palette of their own. Once they were allowed a palette, they became full-fledged scenic artists and were assigned their own assistant. It would have been unusual if Dayton Jr.’s training did not follow this pattern. If anything. Dayton Jr. may have remained his father’s assistant for longer than necessary, if he proved to be a good one. It may have been difficult to break away from his father and strike out on his own in the scenic art field.

Dayton Jr. was first listed as a scenic artist in the 1878 San Francisco Directory: “Dayton. Geo W. Jr., Scenic artist Baldwin’s Theater, r. 11 O’Farrell av.” At the time, he was living with his parents, with his father also listed as a scenic artist at Baldwin’s and also living on O’Farrel av.. He continued to be listed as a scenic artist in 1879 (Dayton, Geo W. Jr. scenic artist Baldwin Theater, r. Brooklyn Hotel) and 1880 (Dayton, Geo W. Jr. scenic artist Baldwin Theater, r. Brooklyn Hotel).

Between the summers of 1879 and 1880, the Dayton family relocated from California to Illinois, settling in Chicago. Dayton Sr. had secured employment at Hamlin’s Opera House.

On August 15, 1880, the “Chicago Tribune” mentioned both Daytons painting scenery for Hamlin’s Grand Opera House. The article announced,  “Mr. George W. Dayton, the scenic artist at the new Grand Opera House (Hamlin’s), began his labors last Monday, being assisted by his son.”  On September 5, 1880, the “Chicago Tribune” listed both father and son as part of the backstage staff: “George W. Dayton, scenic artist; George W. Dayton, Jr. assistant.” They were again mentioned in another “Chicago Daily Tribune” article on that same day (page 16). The article reported, “The principal officers of the house will be John A. Hamlin, Manager; William H. Davis, associate manager; George W. Dayton, scenic artist; George W. Dayton, Jr., assistant…”.

1880 US Federal Census listed George W. Dayton Jr. living with his parents and two younger siblings. Both he and his father were listed as artists. Despite working in Chicago, the Daytons maintained two homes: one in Chicago and one in Harmony, Maryland. In the census report, George W. Dayton Sr.’s occupation was listed as “Artist Oil,” with George W. Dayton Jr.’s occupation listed as “Artist App.”

By 1883, only one Dayton was listed in the New York City Directory, listed as an artist and living at 766 Ninth av. By 1884, father and son were accepting individual projects in the east. Each began going by George W. Dayton, often without the distinction of Jr. or Senior. Both were listed as painters in the Brooklyn Directory, living approximately six miles apart. Dayton Jr. was listed living at 28 Whipple; his father was at 133 22nd .

In 1885, work brought at least one George W. Dayton back to the main studio of Sosman & Landis in Chicago. Both were in Chicago that year, however, as each exhibited artworks at the 1885 Scenic Painter’s show. Both Dayton Sr. and Dayton Jr. were involved in the event, listed as part of the planning committee. On August 1, 1885, the “Inter Ocean” reported, “The scenic artists of this city held a meeting this week at Parker Galleries and determined to hold an exhibition and sale of works in distemper at those galleries early in September. Among the artists present were Ernest Albert, John Mezzovico, Walter Burridge, David A. Strong, John Howard Rogers, Henry Tryon, George Dayton, Thomas Moses, John Howell Wilson, H. E. Bucky, Charles Ritter, and others” (page 4). Both Dayton’s were also mentioned in John Moran’s article about the event, published in “Art Union, a Monthly Magazine of Art” (Vol. 2, No. 4, 1885, p. 85). Moran wrote,” “Other works deserving of notice are Messrs. George Dayton, Sr., George Dayton, Jr.” Dayton Jr. was mentioned again on Oct. 5, 1885 in the “Detroit Free Press” (page 5). He was listed as a contributor to the “first exhibition by the American Scenic Artists, now in progress at Chicago.” George Dayton Jr., “of Albany”, was listed alongside Matt Morgan, John Rettig, Thomas G. Moses, C. E. Petford, R. Merryfield, James Hamilton. Walter Burridge, Earnest Albert, John Howell Wilson, and L. Malmsha.

It was also in 1885 that Dayton’s mother, Julia, passed away. I have yet to locate her death certificate, so I am uncertain as to whether she passed in New York or Illinois.  Dayton Sr. remarried; his second wife was Mary McCarty. Dayton Sr. and Mary went on to celebrate the birth of three children: Irvin W (July 1888), Eugene H. (July 1891), and Oscar V. (Sept. 1897). 

During this time, both Dayton Sr. and Dayton Jr. are working as scenic artists in both Chicago and New York. They are each listed in the Brooklyn Directory for 1889; albeit at separate addresses. George Dayton Sr, was still at his 1884 address – 133 22nd . George Dayton, Jr., was living at 203 Varet St.; almost seven away from his father.

It must have been difficulty, sharing the same name and profession with a father who was extremely, well-known, well-respected, and well-liked. I have yet to come across and praise that was showered upon Dayton Jr. for his scenic art. I am not hinting that Dayton Jr. was lacking in any way, but he certainly transitioned from scenic artist assistant to scenic artist under his father’s shadow. I hope that his artworks also gained recognition over the years.

On Nov. 27, 1887, Dayton Jr. married Helena “Lena” Cohen in Manhattan, New York. This was likely the same year that his father also remarried Mary McCarty.

Marriage certificate for Geo. W. Dayton, Jr. and Helena “Lena” Cohen, 1887.

In 1887 Dayton Jr. was living at 141 Easy 17th Street, with his fiancée, Helena, living at 183 Ludlow. Born in Hamburg, Helena was the eldest daughter of Fanny and David Cohen. Her father was Dutch emigrant who worked as a tailor in Manhattan. George and Helena celebrated the birth of four children: George Washington Dayton (b. Dec. 25, 1888), Arthur Vaulkan Dayton (b. April 17, 1890), Julia Agnes Dayton (b. Nov. 3, 1892), and Jerome John Dayton (b. Feb 2, 1895).

By 1889, Dayton Jr. begins working for William F. Wise’s studio in Tyrone, Pennsylvania. By this time, Dayton Jr. was about 29 yrs. old. In 1889, George W. Dayton was listed as an artist in the New York City Directory, living at 3309 E 77th.

On September 17, 1889, the “Tyron Daily Herald” reported, “Two young men named Leon Moan and George Dayton, scenic artists who have been in the employ of W. F. Wise in Tyrone for nearly three months had their room in the building of Mr. Scullin, the tailor. About a month ago they broke a large French plate mirror in their room. They promised to pay for the damage done, but last night it was discovered that they were trying to sneak away on Philadelphia Express. Mr. Sculin did not care as far as the price of glass was concerned but he deemed it right to put a quietus on such a mean trick. Accordingly, he armed officer Snyder, with a warrant and together they went to the depot for the men. The fugitives were in hiding on the hill side of the railroad, and when the train arrived, they endeavored to board without being seen. Mr. Scullin and the officer made a dash for their men and secured Dayton, but Moan succeeded in eluding his pursuers. Dayton was taken before Esquire Taylor and settled the affair by paying the damage and costs” (page 2). Not to excuse any behavior, at the time, Dayton Jr. was supporting his wife and two infant children.

Both George W. Dayton Sr. and George W. Dayton Jr. were employed by William F. Wise at his studio in Tyrone, Pennsylvania.

Regarding their employer, Wise & Co., the firm advertised as architects and artists. Like Sosman & Landis, the not only operated a main studio, but sent some of their artistic staff on the road. William F. Wise began as a finisher, living in Brooklyn in 1873, and residing at 149 Navy.  From approximately 1879-1882, he worked as a painter in Philadelphia.  Although later business letterheads suggest that Wise & Co. was founded in 1876, that is likely when Wise transitioned from decorative painting to scenic art. In 1888, W. F. Wise and W.B. Stewart. purchased an old church, converting it into a scenic studio. By the next year, Dayton Jr. was working for Wise, traveling from one project to the next. It remains unclear as to whether both father and son were working for Wise at this time.

By 1893, Wise purchased land for a new building. On March 15, 1893, the “Tyrone Daily Herald” announced “New Scenic Studio to be built” (page 4). The article reported, “W. F. Wise this morning purchased of Harry Wands the lot. Of ground 75×170 feet, bounded by Muncy street, the Juniata river and Bald Eagle creek, upon this plot he will immediately begin the erection of a scenic studio which will be 55×130 feet in size.  Mr,. Wise has secured an advantageous location for his new building, where it will be in full view of the railroad and other approaches to the town. The transfer was consummated through the active instrumentality of W. Fisk Conrad who in knowledge of real estate and its management is par excellence. The scenic painting business of W. F. Wise & Co. has long since outgrown their present studio at the corner of Washington Ave and Twelfth Street, and crowded with orders, they have from some time been looking for larger quarters. Many tempting offers from New York and elsewhere were made them to locate in other places, but our people will be gratified to note that the present transaction insures the permanency of their business in Tyrone. It is an industry which inures to the benefit of the town. The studio is the only establishment of the kind between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and one of the very few extensive scenic studios in the United States, in reputation standing the peer of any. W. F. Wise & Co. are known the country over for their scenic and spectacular painting, and church hall, and theatre decorations” (page 4).  In 1906, the company advertised that they had 30 years’ experience and were prepared to furnish drop curtains, scenery, decorations, models (to scale), architectural plans, carpentry work, stage traps, theatrical, hardware and lighting equipment and more.

By 1889, George W. Dayton is listed as an artist in the New York City Directory, living at 330 E 77th. By 1891, only George W. Dayton, Jr. was listed in the New York City Directory, living at 324 E 85th St. In 1892, he was living at E 117th St. #513 in Manhattan when his daughter Julia was born. In 1895, the Daytons were living at W. 118th St. in Brooklyn when Jerome was born that February. They remained at 264 W 118th until 1897 when Dayton Jr. passed away after battling tuberculosis for three months.

George W. Dayton’s New York Death Certificate form 1897.

Dayton Jr. died at the age of 34 on April 5, 1897. He had been sick for three months before his passing. On April 7 he was cremated and buried at Fresh Pond Crematory and Columbarium in Middle Village, Queens County, New York. He left wife and four children, between the ages of 2 and 8 yrs. old. Lena remained with her children in New York, listed in the1899  directory as “Lena, wid George, h. 2374, 2d av.” The 1900 US Federal census listed her occupation as a candy shop worker..

Her eldest son, George W. Dayton III, briefly followed in his father’s footsteps. The 1910 US Federal Census listed 21-yrs.-old George W. Dayton working as an artist for the newspaper industry in New York City. His address was listed as 21 110th St. W, Manhattan. George was still living with his mother and three younger siblings. His aunt, Emily E. Cohen and a boarder, Daniel Ahernas, were also listed as part of the household. George’s foray as an artist did not last, and by 1917 he listed his occupation as “auto mechanic” on his WWI draft registration card.  A few months later, he was serving in the Supply Dept., of the Commissary Division, in the Panama Canal Zone. Both he and his younger brother Arthur worked Panama.

Arthur V. Dayton and his wife Adelina. Arthur was the son of George W. Dayton, Sr. Photograph posted to

Arthur was the first to head south in the fall of 1909, working as a clerk for $100/month. That’s the equivalent of about $3200/month today. By 1930, Arthur worked as a dump inspector in the dredging division, passing away there six year later, on July 27, 1936; he is buried at Corozal, Distrio de Panamá. Both he and his wife died the same year, leaving two daughters, ages 18 and 14; Cecilia and Carmen both moved to Texas where they each married and celebrated long lives. Dayton Jr.’s youngest son, Jerome, remained in New York his entire life, where he primarily worked as a shoe salesman and cared for his mother.

Jerome Dayton, youngest son of George W. Dayton, Jr. and Helena Cohen Dayton. Photograph posted to

Their mother outlived her father by 42 years.

On Sept, 2, 1939, her obituary was published in “The Miami News”-

“MRS. HELENA DAYTON. Mrs. Helena Dayton, 69, of 46 N. E. Fifth st., died yesterday at her home after a short illness. She came to Miami from New York eight years ago. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Julia Munch, Miami; two sons, George W. Dayton, Canal Zone, and Jerome J. Dayton of New York. Funeral services will be held in the Flagler funeral chapel at 5 p.m. today. The body will be cremated” (page 10).

Her eldest son, George W. Dayton III, remained in Panama until 1967. Nine months before his passing, he relocated to Daytona Beach, Florida. Dayton’s obituary reported, “Mr. George W. Dayton, 79, 2418 Tulane Ave., Daytona Beach died Tuesday. A native of New York City, he moved to Daytona Beach nine months ago from the Panama Canal Zone. He was a retired security officer and a member of the National Association of Retired Civil Employes. Survivors include widow Josephine Maria; son George K, daughter, Mrs. Elsie Trofashu; one grandchild, all of San Diego, Calif.” (page 10).

The Dayton’s only daughter, Julia Agnes, married Joseph H. Munsch in New York. She was Munsch’s second wife. They moved to Miami, where Julia cared for her mother during the 1930s. Aftre her mother’s passing, the Munschs relocated to National City, California. Although I have yet to locate an exact date, Musch’s WWII draft card lists National City as his residence in 1942. Julia remained in California for the remainder of her life, passing away on July 23, 1971. She is buried next to her husband at Fort Rosencrans National Cemetery in San Diego; Joseph Munsch served as a Private in the US Army during WWI.

Julia and her mother. Photograph posted at

Fortunately, I am in contact with some of the George W. Dayton’s descendants, but they have yet to locate a photograph of either father or son. I have not uncovered an extant artworks by either Dayton Sr. or Jr.

Sosman & Landis: Shaping the Landscape of American Theatre. Employee No. 101: George W. Dayton, Sr.

Copyright © 2023 by Wendy Waszut-Barrett

While researching the life and career of Joseph C. Blaine, I stumbled across an 1885 newspaper article in the “Chicago Tribune.” The article made me both celebrate and curse. On Aug 2, 1885, the “Chicago Tribune” published a list of Sosman & Landis employees who contributed to the Grant Memorial Fund. This meant that I had to track down at least thirteen more individuals to include in the Sosman & Landis staff. That number immediately increased to fourteen, as George W. Dayton, could have been either the father or son; both were journeyman scenic artists, working in Chicago at the same time.

In 1885, George W. Dayton donated $1, the same amount as all of the other journeymen artists, with exception of Thomas Moses ($2) and Henry J. Buhler ($2). Dayton donated the same amount as fellow journeyman and one-time New York scenic artist, David A. Strong. Both Strong and Dayton were around the same age, and extremely well-respected by the theatre community, each well-versed in painted illusion and stage machinery for stage spectacles.

I am starting with George W. Dayton Sr., as he came first, and we share the same birthday.

George Washington Dayton, Sr. was born on June 19, 1839, in New York. The actual location of his birth varies, with some records suggesting Greene County and others New York City. Regardless of his birth location, his mother’s family (the Tompkins) was from Greene County. She was born, raised and married in Greene County, New York. For geographical context, Greene County is approximately 54 miles southwest of Albany, New York.

George was the youngest son of John Harvey Dayton (1797-1849) and Charlotte E. Tompkins (1794-1868). At the time of his birth, his parent’s had been married for over two decades and already celebrated the birth of eight children: James Harvey (1819-1820), Daniel (1821-1823), James Lewis (1824-1891), Mary Elizabeth (1825-1826), Oscar Veniah (1827-1898), George Washington (1829-1829), John Harvey Dayton (1830-), and Julie Ann “Emma” Dayton (182-1835).  In examining both birth and death dates, many of the Dayton children did not survive infancy or early childhood. Little is known of Dayton’s youth, or any moment that prompted him to seek a career in scenic art. His father passed away in 1849, when Dayton was only ten years old.  Five years later, Dayton was working at the Bowery Theatre in New York City; a 15-yrs.-old scenic art apprentice. For theatrical context, this is the second Bowery Theatre; the one designed by architect John Trimble that opened on August 4, 1845. The structure lasts until 1929. For geographical context, the Bowery Theatre was located on the Lower East Side of Manhattan.

I have yet to track down any early connections between the Dayton family and the Bowery theater, any tie to the theatre that may have prompted the selection of this occupation. However, the Bowery Theatre repeatedly placed want ads for scenic artists. April 9, 1856, “The New York Daily Herald” advertised:

“SPECIAL NOTICE – WANTED AT THE BOWERY theatre, a first-rate scenic artist; also a good property man. Apply, personally or by letter, prepaid, to Geo. H. Griffith, Acting Manager, Bowery Theatre, New York” (page 7). In 1856, the interior of the Bowery Theatre was featured in the Sept. 13 issue of “Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper.”

The Bowery Theatre Stage in 1856

Dayton was likely still living at home when he worked at the Bowery Theatre in 1857. His mother was listed in the New York City Directory: “Dayton, Charlotte, widow, h. 168 W. 37th.”

The Bowery lost a scenic artist the year before Dayton began there. On March 11, 1854, “New York Daily” announced that Bowery Theatre, Hamilton,  scenic artist left for Australia (page 2). J. Thorne also worked at the Bowery in 1854. John Thorne was credited with painting scenery for the “Seven Temptations” at the Bowery Theatre as part of a “Grand Scenic Spectacle” of June 1855.  This means that Dayton most likely assisted Thorne when he first started at the Bowery Theatre that year. In 1855, Thorne and Samuel Culbert were credited with new scenery for “A Grand Military Spectacle” (“New York Herald” 16 Aug. 1855, page 3). Thorne & Culbert had also painted scenery for the pantomime “The Enchanted Temple,” performed at the Bowery Theatre in 1854. In 1859, John Thorne was one of only two scenic and panoramic artists listed in the New York City Business Directory; the other was Oscar F. Almy.

As Dayton gained experience, he began securing employment elsewhere, working for George Christy at Dayton at Niblo’s Garden by 1857. About this same time, David A. Strong also worked at Niblo’s. By 1858, Dayton relocated to Boston where he briefly worked at the Howard Anthenaeum. In1860, he was again actively engaged at Wallack’s Theatre in New York, then American Theatre in Philadelphia.

It was during this time when Dayton married his first wife, Julia A. Sails. The couple soon celebrated the birth of their first child, George W. Dayton, Jr., in 1862. Dayton Jr. would continue in his father’s line, working as a scenic artist.

Between 1862 and 1867, Dayton worked as a scenic artist at the Grand Opera House in New York. In 1867, Dayton became associated with New York’s Broadway Theatre, credited with painting scenery for Tom Robertson’s “Caste.” Dayton continued to paint at a variety of venues throughout the region.

In 1871 Dayton returned to the Grand Opera House, painting scenery for several Augustin Daly productions. Dayton and Louis Duflocq assisted Richard Marston on several productions, continuing to work with Heister until the mid-1870s. They painted scenery at various venues throughout the region, including a production of “Macbeth” at Boston’s Globe Theatre.

However, On June 9, 1871, Dayton’s work at Pike’s Opera-House was mentioned in “The American Israelite” (page 10). The article reported, “For the past few months, it is well known to our citizens that the enterprising Mr. S. N. Pike has been remodeling his concert hall with a view to its conversion into an opera-house that might equal, if not eclipse, in beauty and elegance of finish the former structure…The scenic artist is Mr. Joseph Pigott, and Mr. George Dayton, of the Grand Opera of New York, has been engaged to paint several scenes with special reference to the opening night.” Purportedly, it was James Fisk (managed of the Grand Opera House) who sent Dayton to the newly-constructed Pike’s Opera House in Cincinnati. Years later, Dayton recalled that when he arrived at Pike’s, “there was nothing but the bare wall.” Over the course of six weeks, he painted enough scenery to stage five operas. Interestingly, articles from the time note that the set pieces and wings were constructed of sheet iron.

In 1868, Dayton’s mother passed away in New York. At the time, Dayton was 29 years old; his career was taking off and he was making quite a name for himself. Her obituary simply announced: “DAYTON. – On Tuesday, March 10, Charlotte Dayton, aged 73 years, relict of John H. Dayton and daughter of Hon. Nehemiah Tompkins, of Greene County, N. Y. Funeral on Thursday morning at eleven o’clock from the residence of her son, 128th street and Seventh avenue.”

In 1869 the couple celebrated the birth of their second son, Charles E. Dayton. By 1870 Census Dayton household as including George W. (35 years old, painter), Julia A. (31 yrs. old). George W. Jr. (8 yrs.) and Charles E. (4 months old, born in Feb.). Sadly, Charles passed away the same year.

In 1872, Dayton was listed as an artist in the New York City Directory, living at 274 W 19th.

In New York, Dayton was also associated with Niblo’s Garden Theatre. This association was mentioned after a riding accident made the newspapers. On Aug. 24, 1874, “The Brooklyn Union” reported, “Mr. George W. Dayton, scenic artist of Niblo’s Theatre, Miss Margaret Clinton, and actress, Dr. Spier, and his wife of New York, visited Cypress Hills yesterday. While the carriage in which they were riding was descending one of the steep paths in the cemetery, a portion of the harness broke and the horses became frightened and ran away. The carriage was upset near the entrance and the driver and all the occupants were thrown out and sustained more or less serious injuries.”

This same year the couple celebrated the birth of another child, Florence Estelle Dayton (1874-1955). Florence was born in Flatbush, Long Island, New York. A section of her obituary notes her lineage: “Florence E. Dayton, born September 19, 1874, at Flatbush, Long Island, was descended from an old family who first settled in this country in 1629. Her grandfather, Jonathan Dayton, was the youngest signer of the Constitution of the United States, and her great uncle, Daniel Tompkins, was twice Governor of New York State and Vice-President under President Monroe.” This is not accurate, as her grandfather was born in 1797. I have yet to verify any connection to Johnathan Dayton (1760-1824), the 26-yrs.-old signer of the Constitution from New Jersey.

In 1875, Dayton was credited as one of the scenic artists credited with painting scenery for Charlotte Cushman. Her farewell performance at the Globe Theatre on May 15, 1875, listed George Heister, George W. Dayton and Joseph Schnell as scenic artists, as part of the executive staff.

As with many scenic art families, the birth of each Dayton child helps track the family’s travels. Sometime between the birth of Florence and the birth of Arthur, the Daytons moved from New York to California. By 1876, the Daytons relocated to California. Arthur B. Dayton was born in San Francisco that year. At the time, Dayton Sr. was listed as the scenic artist for Baldwin’s Academy of Music (also known as Baldwin’s Theatre). The remained in the area for three years. During this time, Dayton Jr. began assisting his father. In 1878, George W. Dayton, Jr., was also listed as a scenic artist at Baldwin’s Theatre, working as an assistant to his well-known father.

Geo. W. Dayton worked as a scenic artist at the Baldwin Theatre in San Francisco.

Dayton Sr. was making headlines in 1878 and was featured in “The Footlight,” a San Francisco Journal. The article about Dayton Sr. provides an abundance of details about his career up until this point. His portrait was included with the article and remains the only known image of the artist.

The subject of our illustration, Mr. George Washington Dayton, whose scenery of Joaquin Miller’s California Drama, “The Danites,” lately produced and now being performed at Baldwin’s Theatre, has brought him prominently before the San Francisco public, belongs to a family of artists. His brother, Oscar V. Dayton, was scene painter for Maguire in 1849 and ’50, and may be said to have been a pioneer scenic artist in California. Old ‘49ers can remember with what pleasure the stage pictures, made to illustrate the plays, produced at the Jenny Lind Theater were viewed.

One of the most celebrated American scenic artists, Minard Lewis belongs to a branch of the Dayton family, being to George W., whose style closely resembles that of Lewis.

Possess of inherent and natural abilities to become eminent in his profession, Dayton has been quite fortunate in the school wherein he has gained knowledge and experience. At the age of 15, in 1855, he was employed at the Bowery Theatre, New York, then under the management of Messrs. Eddy and Johnson. In 1856 and ’57 under the direction of Mr. Lehman, he assisted in the production of the ‘Red Gnome’ and ‘Green Monster’ series of pantomimes by the Ravels, probably the most gorgeous spectacle of the kind ever brought out in the United States. In the same year, Dayton painted scenery for George Christy, next or to Niblo’s, and in the following year, 1858, we find him at the Howard, Boston, for a short session of six months, under engagements to J. M. Nixon. Returning, however, to New York, he was engaged in1860 at the Broadway Theater (then named the Wallacks) thence for a short season to Philadelphia at the American Theater, and back again to the Broadway Theater, New York under manager Wood and Barney Williams; from there to the Grand Opera House, managed by James Fisk, where he remained five years, and was sent by him in 1867 to Pike’s Opera House, Cincinnati. When Dayton commenced work at Pike’s Opera House, there was nothing but the bare walls and in six weeks he had scenery sufficient for the production of five operas, the set pieces and wing boards being painted on sheet iron. The Fisk engagement was followed by one of one year under Augustin Daly, as the Globe Theater, Boston, which brings his dates to 1875. From there he went for short season to Concord, N. H., where Tom Maguire the shrewd manager of Baldwin’s, who always keeps track of all kinds of first-class talent, until a favorable opportunity of securing it occurs, found and imported him expressly for Baldwins theater. The result has fully justified Maguire’s good judgement. Theater goers are familiar with the work Dayton has placed on view since his advent at Baldwin Theater and those possessed of aesthetic taste readily recognized the hand of a master craftsman. The modesty of the artist prevents his asserting his just claim to recognize.”

Th article is a remarkable compilation of events, constructing Dayton’s scenic art career from 1856-1878. This, combined with other historical records, give a detailed account of Dayton’s travels.

The Dayton’s were still living in San Francisco the following year. Dayton was still associated with the Baldwin Theater, but was also painting for the Grand Opera House. On April 9, 1879, “The San Francisco Examiner” announced, “Baldwin’s Theatre. – Another crowded house witnessed A Scrap of Paper at this place last evening. The play was admirably produced and the actors, with one or two exceptions, filled their roles to the entire satisfaction of all present. Mr. Dayton, the scenic artist, has surpassed all his previous efforts by the second and third scenes of the play. The formerly is arranged, and we understand that the articles on the stage used in the ornamentation are valued about $6,000” (page 3). On May 5, 1879, “The San Francisco Examiner” listed George W. Dayton as the scenic artist for ‘Aida’ at the Grand Opera House (page 2).

On August 16, 1879, “The Pacific Bee” mentioned Dayton in an article entitled “Stock Speculations” (page 2). The article announced, “He is interested in the actors’ mine known as Uncle Same, at Bodie, and has also bought a large farm in Maryland, where there will be quite a theatrical colony, since Lewis Morrison, Dayton (scenic artist) and many others have purchased land in the same district” (page 2). They kept a home in Harmony, Caroline County, Maryland in 1880, the US Federal Census listed the Dayton family in Harmony. The census was taken on June 3, 1880. George W. Dayton Sr. and Jr. were both listed as artists. Other members of the Dayton household included: his wife, Julia Dayton; and his younger children Florence (6 yrs.) and Arthur B. Dayton (3 yrs.).   The 1880 US Federal Census listed the Dayton Household in Chicago too, and including: head of household, George W. Dayton, Sr.; his wife, Julia Dayton; his eldest son, George W. Dayton, Jr.; and his younger children Florence (6 yrs.) and Arthur B. Dayton (3 yrs.).  Both Sr. and Jr. George W. Dayton worked as artists. The census listed both George W. Dayton Sr George W. Dayton Jr. as artists.In both census reports, Dayton Sr. was listed as 35 years old, and Dayton Jr. was listed as 19 yrs. old. In fact, Dayton Sr. was 41 years old. Daytons work in Chicago makes sense. This is the same time that Sosman & Landis began to expand their scenic art staff.  Sometime between 1878 and 1880, Dayton relocated his family east, both he and his son continue to work as scenic artists.

Between the summer of 1879 and the summer of 1880, the Dayton family relocated with Chicago. Dayton Sr. was soon featured in the Chicago Tribune.

On August 15, 1880, the “Chicago Tribune” reported:

Hamlin’s Scenic Artist.

Mr. George W. Dayton, the scenic artist at the new Grand Opera House (Hamlin’s), began his labors last Monday, being assisted by his son. As very much of the success of the new theatre will depend upon the efforts of Mr. Dayton, a short sketch of his career as an artist is appended. Mr. Dayton comes from a family of artists, his brother, Mr. Oscar V. Dayton, having been the first artist in Maguire’s ‘Jenny Lind.’ Theater in San Francisco in 1849. Minard Lewis, recently deceased, was his cousin. Possessed of inherent abilities for his profession, Mr. Dayton has gained great knowledge and proficiency. At the age of 15 he was first employed at the Old Bowery Theatre, New York, then managed by Eddy and Johnson. In 1856 and 1857 he assisted in the production of the “Red Gnome” and the “Green Monster,” under the direction of Mr. Lehman. These painted pantomimic spectacles, which introduced the celebrated Ravel family, were at that time considered the most gorgeous ever produced in America. In 1857 he also painted the scenery for George Christy’s Minstrel Hall, next door to Niblo’s. In 1858 he went to the Howard, Boston, then under the management of James M. Nixon. In 1860 he returned to New York, engaging at the Broadway Theatre (then named Wallack’s). Thence he went to the American, Philadelphia, but returned to the Broadway when Wood and Barney Williams assumed its control. From Broadway he went to the Grand Opera-House with James Fisk, where he remained five years. Going to Cincinnati during that time to fit Pike’s Opera House with a stock of scenery. After the Fisk engagement he went to Boston with Augustin Daly as artist for the Globe Theatre. Mr. Dayton was then sought by manager Tom Maguire for Baldwin’s magnificent Academy of Music, San Francisco. Mr. Hamlin secures him direct from the last-named house.

Mr. Dayton is unknown to Chicago, but when it is understood that the scene for McKee Rankin’s “Danites,” which have so often received praise here, were originally designed by Mr. Dayton, there will be a favorable opinion of his merits as an artist. He was complimented with a call for each scene when they were first disclosed at Baldwin’s Theatre. There is no mean praise, coming as it did from the forty-niners themselves.

Mr. Dayton will have a new drop-curtain ready for the approaching opening of the new house.”

Both Hamlin and is son were also working as scenic artists at the new Grand Opera House. On September 5, 1880, the “Chicago Tribune” reported that “the entr’acte curtain has been painted by Mr. Dayton” (page 11). Later in the article, Dayton was again listed as part of the backstage staff: “George W. Dayton, scenic artist; George W. Dayton, Jr. assistant; John Foust, machinist; John Dolan, master of properties.” Dayton was mentioned in another Chicago Daily Tribune” article on that same day (page 16). The article reports, “In the way of a drop curtain a new departure has been made, one of a dark crimson cloth, with deep Roman fringe, having been chosen, while an entr’acte curtain has been painted by Mr. Dayton…The principal officers of the house will be John A. Hamlin, Manager; William H. Davis, associate manager; George W. Dayton, scenic artist; George W. Dayton, Jr., assistant…”.

However, George W Dayton Sr. and Jr. are counted in the 1880 census twice. The same happened in 1900.

On Oct. 2, 1880, the “Chicago Daily Telegraph credited George W. Dayton as painting scenery for T. W. Keene (p. 4). The article reported, “The plays in Which Mr. Keen has the honor to make his stellar debut in Chicago will be produced under the immediate supervision of the veteran Charles Webb, of Drury Lane Theatre, London. New and brilliant scenery by George W. Dayton.” I am relatively certain that the article is referring to Dayton Sr., despite the fact that he was continuously assisted by his son. In 1880, Dayton Sr. is 41 yrs. old, and Dayton Jr. is 18 yrs. old.  Five years later, it was a different story. Age and experience in Dayton Jr.’s part brings his name into play.

Both Dayton and his son continue to paint scenery in both Chicago and New York.  By 1882, Dayton Sr. is associated with New York’s Standard Theatre, where he worked alongside Phillip Goatcher, G. Heineman, John Mazzanovich and J. W. Rough. In 1883, Dayton paints scenery for “Michaëla,” with his son listed as an assistant. Other New York shows include painting with Mazzanovich to deliver scenery for “The Rajah” at Madison Square Theatre in 1883. The following year Dayton painted scenery for “Sea of Ice” with William Voegtlin and his son at the Buffalo Academy of Music. On September 9, 1883, “The Philadelphia Times” announced, “The scene in the Polar regions, which has been painted by George Dayton, the scenic artist at the Union Square Theater, for “The Sea of Ice,” to be presented at the Walnut, has been made from drawings furnished by an old arctic explorer. It is described as very novel and effective” (page 3).

In 1884, both Dayton Sr. and Jr. were listed in the Brooklyn City Directory:

George Dayton, painter, h. 28 Whipple

George Dayton, painter, 133 22nd.

The George Dayton at 133 22nd would retain this address until 1898, suggesting that this was the address of Dayton Sr; Dayton Jr. passed away in 1897.

In 1884, Dayton is working in Hartford, Conn. At the Opera House. On July 30, 1884, the “Hartford Courant” reported:


When the entertainment season at the opera house reopens, a few weeks hence, the patrons of this place of amusement will observe and appreciate many improvements. Just now the stage is piled up with work benches and the paraphernalia used by scenic artists and stage carpenters, and on every hand sections of scenery are stacked in confusing order. High upon the wall back of the stage, on an improved platform, scene painters are working on the new drop curtain for the proscenium arch, which is to take the place of the green cloth curtain that had done service since the opera house was opened. The subject for the new curtain is the popular picture by Carl Becker of ‘Othello’s Story.’ The Moor leans against the railing of the Venetian balcony recounting his exploits to Brabanco, and Desdemona sits at her father’s feet a charmed listener, while in the distance, across the grand canal, loom up the Campanile tower and the church domes, just as they now do in sleepy old Venice, and as Becker believed they did when Othello was moving the susceptible heart of Desdemona. The curtain will be 45 by 39 feet square. It is being painted by Mr. George W. Dayton of the Star theater, New York, a scenic artist of considerable reputation, and whose work is known to Hartford’s theater-goers by the few sets of new scenery introduced at the opera house last season and the year before. Mr. Dayton has been at work at the opera house for the past six weeks, and among the new scenes that he has painted are a mediæval castle gateway, hemmed in with battlement walls; an interior prison scene – very effective in drawing and perspective; a street scene specially adapted for pantomime tricks; a baronial chamber of the Norman period; with its stone walls and tapestries; and attic scene, and others of minor nature. All these scenes have the necessary border drops and wings. The auditorium of the theater has been renovated and freshly painted and the entrance from Main street is made more inviting by a fresh coat of paint. Mr. Roberts is to be commended for giving his opera house these new touches, and he will no doubt reap a compensating patronage from them” (page 2).

In 1885, Dayton and his son primarily work and exhibit their fine art in Chicago. This is what makes the 1885 Sosman & Landis staff list difficult to interpret. In 1885, Dayton Sr. had been working as a scenic artist since 1856. His son had been listed as a scenic artist since 1878. Although Dayton Sr. Had much more experience, 29-yrs.-old Dayton Jr. was also a journeyman artist. Both were listed in the Scene Painter’s show of 1885. Dayton Sr. and Dayton Jr. were even part of the planning committee. On August 1, 1885, the “Inter Ocean” reported, “The scenic artists of this city held a meeting this week at Parker Galleries and determined to hold an exhibition and sale of works in distemper at those galleries early in September. Among the artists present were Ernest Albert, John Mezzovico, Walter Burridge, David A. Strong, John Howard Rogers, Henry Tryon, George Dayton, Thomas Moses, John Howell Wilson, H. E. Bucky, Charles Ritter, and others” (page 4). Both Dayton’s were also mentioned in John Moran’s article about the event, published in “Art Union, a Monthly Magazine of Art” (Vol. 2, No. 4, 1885, p. 85). Moran wrote,” “Other works deserving of notice are Messrs. George Dayton, Sr., George Dayton, Jr.” I would suspect that BOTH George Dayton Sr. and George Dayton Jr. were part-time employees at Sosman & Landis in the mid-1880s. During this time, Sosman & Landis also ran a branch office in New York. Many of their employees shifted between the two regions; heading wherever their skills were needed. Such was the case with Dayton Sr. and Dayton Jr. By 1885, they had consistently worked together since 1878. It seems unlikely that only father or son would work at Sosman & Landis, as they worked as a pair.

On April 15, 1885, the “Buffalo Morning Express” mentioned Dayton’s continued scenic art work in New York (page. 5): “Mr. J. C. Rother, who ranks among the foremost portrait artists of Buffalo, had not yet moved to New York, as has been stated. On his recent visit to New York, he made arrangements with Mr. George Dayton, the celebrated scenic artist, formerly of the Standard and Star Theatres, New York, whereby he is enabled to furnish scenery for theatres and halls from the cheapest to the most elaborate and artistic. Mr. Rother has moved his studio from the Austin building to his old stand, No. 366 Main Street, so that he can personally supervise his sign and decorative establishment, and will also continue his portrait painting, Mr. Rother’s abilities as an artist are too well known to need further comment. If he goes to New York to live it will not be until autumn, and in the meantime, he will receive orders for portraits as heretofore.”

It was in 1885 that his first wife passed away. He remarried two years later. His second wife was Mary McCarty (1866-1931). The couple celebrated the birth of three of whom survived infancy. Their children were Irvin W (July 1888), Eugene H. (July 1891), and Oscar V. (Sept. 1897).  

In 1887, Dayton was again working in New York with Voegtlin and delivering scenery for “Peg Woffington” at the New York Lyceum. He was also working with George Hineman. On May 26, 1887, “The Morning Journal-Courier” announced their work at the New Haven Opera House: “Two scenic artists of acknowledged ability, George W. Dayton and George Hineman, have already arrived and begun the work of adding important improvements in the scenic department, under Manager Wall’s direction” (page 2).

In 1889, Dayton Sr. and Dayton Jr. were again living out east, each listed as a painter in the Brooklyn City Directory, with George Dayton Sr, residing at 133 22nd and

George Dayton, Jr. at 203 Varet St.; their residences located quite far apart. Dayton and his father soon began representing the William F. Wise studio in Tyrone, Pennsylvania.

On September 17, 1889, the “Tyron Daily Herald” reported, “Two young men named Leon Moan and George Dayton [Jr.], scenic artists who have been in the employ of W. F. Wise in Tyrone for nearly three months had their room in the building of Mr. Scullin, the tailor. About a month ago they broke a large French plate mirror in their room. They promised to pay for the damage done, but last night it was discovered that they were trying to sneak away on Philadelphia Express. Mr. Sculin did not care as far as the price of glass was concerned but he deemed it right to put a quietus on such a mean trick. Accordingly, he armed officer Snyder, with a warrant and together they went to the depot for the men. The fugitives were in hiding on the hill side of the railroad, and when the train arrived, they endeavored to board without being seen. Mr. Scullin and the officer made a dash for their men and secured Dayton, but Moan succeeded in eluding his pursuers. Dayton was taken before Esquire Taylor and settled the affair by paying the damage and costs” (page 2).

By 1889, George W. Dayton is listed as an artist in the New York City Directory, living at 330 E 77th. By 1891, only George W. Dayton, Jr. was listed in the New York City Directory, living at 324 E 85th St.

In 1891, the Dayton family lived in Pennsylvania, as a son, Eugene was born in Philadelphia that July.

From 1892 to 1894, the Daytons lived in New York, as “George Dayton, artist,” was listed in the directory, living at 513 E 117th St.

In 1894, Dayton’s past affiliation with Wallack’s Theatre in New York was mentioned in various newspaper articles about Henry Arthur Jones’ touring production of “The Silver King.” On Dec. 7, 1894, “The Clinton Register” reported that “All of the beautiful scenery for which the ‘Silver King’ is famous, is carried completed and was painted by George Dayton, former scenic artist of Wallack’s theater in New York” (page 2). On Oct. 16, 1895, the “Argus and Patriot” advertised the show at the Blanchard Opera House in Montpelier, Vermont. It noted, “All of the beautiful scenery for which ‘The Silver King’ is famous is carried complete, and was painted by George Dayton, former scenic artist at Wallack’s Theatre, New York” (page 3).

Interestingly, in 1896, the former residence of George W. Dayton was mentioned in the “Brooklyn Citizen” (2 Aug. 1896, page 23). The home and grounds were described in great detail. The article reported, “Patrick Ford lives on the Coleman place, now called ‘Dayton’s’ because it was once owned by George W. Dayton, the scenic artist, who during his occupancy of the place entertained some of the stage celebrities of the times.”

In 1897, however, both Dayton’s were listed in the NYC Directory:

Dayton Geo W artist h 1088 Park av

Dayton Geo W artist h 264 W 118th

That year, Dayton Jr. died of tuberculosis laryngitis at 34 yrs. old on April 5, 1897. He had been sick for three months before he passed. Dayton Jr. was buried in Middle Village, Queens, New York, he left a 2 yrs. old son (Jerome J. Dayton) and five-yrs. old daughter (Julia Agnes Dayton) daughter. Dayton Sr. had only a little time to grieve the passing of loved one. Three weeks later, he was bas at work. On April 28, 1897, the “Tyrone Daily Herald” of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, reported, “George W, Dayton, the veteran scenic artist, with a. corps of assistants, has begun work upon the extensive scenery to be used by the Harry M. Dry Pyrotechnic company in their new spectacular production ‘The Bombardment of Fort Sumter or the Siege of Charleston,’ which will be ready for presentation on the road in a few weeks. Altoona is anxious to be the first city to witness this gorgeous pyrotechnic festival, and it may be that the season will be opened there” (page 4). 

Dayton Sr. had relocated to Tyrone. This move was recalled by his son, Oscar Dayton, years later. On Dec. 22, 1976, the “Tyrone Daily” published an article about the loss of the Wilson Theatre, entitled “The Curtain Comes Down” (page 6). Much of the artist focused on George W. Dayton, Sr.:

“Oscar Dayton’s father was a member of the Wise Studio, and a superb painter. Originally from New York City, the elder Dayton was employed by a very industrious organization of that city as a scenic painter and artist. When the Wise Studio came into being during the 1880s, George W. Dayton was contacted by Wise to come to Tyrone and further his professional technique by joining Wise’s staff in his studio on 12th street. The offer was accepted, and the Dayton family moved to Tyrone, where living conditions were less expensive than the larger, metropolitan areas, and, yet, the wages were most attractive. George W. Dayton continued his profession until his death in 1908.  The Wise studio was a very busy establishment, painting scenery for theatres over a vast area. In fact, orders were well ahead of the work and became so prominent. That Wise drew in professional painters from many large cities.”

Oscar Dayton reminisced, “Ten professional painters worked from dawn to dark. It was a tremendous business, since scenery was an exclusive part of stage settings, and was in constant demand.”

George Dayton Sr. and the Wise Studio made headlines again in 1993. On July 24, 1993, the “Tyrone Daily Herald” published an article on the renovation of the oldest building in Tyrone (pages 1-2). On the second page of the article, the history of the building was examined: “The Woodshop building, which looks similar to a big old red barn, has a long history in the community, being the oldest building now standing in the borough. Built in 1855 it was first used as a church by the former United Brethren Congregation (now First United Methodist Church), and later became a Civil War hospital. The next occupancy of the building came in the form of scenic artists and a theatrical studio for W. F. Wise Co. and for George Dayton. Eventually Miller Brothers (Hardware) used it for storage for about sixty years, selling it to Lee Wertz, who also used it for storage. Mr. Anderson purchased the property in 1992 with a goal of restoring the building and using the second floor for his custom woodwork shop. Among his talents, Mr. Anderson makes moldings for other people restoring buildings.” The building stands at the corner of 12th Street and Washington Avenue. It was the theatrical posters uncovered during Anderson’s restoration that brought this building into the public eye again. On Feb. 27, 1993, the “Tyrone Daily Herald” reported, “Some pulley fixtures used for lifting scenery were found on the second floor. They were unique because of the four cut-out heart designs on each side of the pulleys. Samples of wall covering in which old wall paper was used as the canvas have been given to the historical society” (page 1). Here is a link to a photo gallery for Tyrone’s Oldest Building:

Additional research revealed that in 1888 the church building was sold to W.F. Wise and W.B. Stewart. The building was again sold in 1895 to A.A. Stevens and it would never again be in a position of importance to the community until it became the oldest building in Tyrone. After the purchase of the building by A.A. Stevens in 1895, it changed hands 11 more times. 

On Feb. 24, 1898, the “Tyrone Daily Herald” included two articles about Dayton. The first was a letter written by Dayton entitled “A Strong Team” (page 4). It reported, “After frequent solicitations of a number of my friends who wished me to teach the art of drawing and painting in their several branches, I write this to all those who wish to take lessons, that I have associated myself with the Penn Art Co. school as one of their instructors and will faithfully do my part to educate all pupils who study with me, and if they will prove as studious and apply themselves on their part, they will have no cause to complain; attentive pupils will certainly attain such progression that they will be more than pleases with their venture. – Geo. W. Dayton.”

The second article reported, “The fine suite of rooms comprising the second floor of the First National Bank building is now occupied by the Penn Art company, of which M. D. McOmber is manager. The four rooms have been newly papered and renovated, presenting an attractive appearance. The front rooms will be occupied as the main office and clerical department, and the rooms facing Tenth street will be devoted to the teaching departments in charge of George W. Dayton and William H. Kellogg. The Penn Art company have for a long time been negotiating with some of the well-known artists of the country and have finally secured the services of these two experienced artists, who are known throughout the United States, and their paintings have been recognized and acknowledged by the artists of the world as masterpieces. As experienced teachers they probably have no superiors” (page 4).

Dayton Sr. continued to be listed in the newspaper. He was mentioned in a multi-page article entitled “How a Play is Staged.” On Aug 21, 1898 the “New York Times” reported, “Scenic artists have for years used the device of model scenes – that is, they have roughly constructed a small model as guides to the carpenters in making the larger scenery’ but Josef A Physioc, the young scenic artist of the Garrick Theatre, claims to have been the first to use the miniature stage, complete in every detail, for the guidance of actors, managers, carpenters, and ‘utility’ men. The accompanying picture of the model stage, set for the first scene in ‘Tess of the D’Urbervilles,’ illustrates the miniature stage as used by Mr. Physioc…Another picture shows the model stage set for a scene in ‘Couried Into Court. These miniature scenes are constructed in the ‘model room.’ The picture shows Mr. Physioc and George W. Dayton. An ‘exterior’ painter, at work upon a sketch preparatory to transforming their idea into a model. On the walls, on the table – everywhere – are models, sketches, and the countless suggestive things that litter up the studio.” (p. 27). Dayton Sr.  was noted as simply “an exterior painter.”

By that fall, the Dayton family had moved again.  On October 3, 1898, the “Altoona Tribune” announced, George W. Dayton, 623 West Washington. The scenic artist, with his family has removed to Thomastown” (page 3)

Dayton Sr. was listed as still living at Park Ave., confirmed in the 1900 US Federal Census. That year, the Dayton Sr. household at 1088 Park included: Geo. Sr. (Jun 1840, 59 yrs., married 12, scenic artist), Mary (Aug 1866, 33 yrs., mother of 4), Irwin W. (July 1888, 11 yrs.), Eugene (July 1891, 8 yrs., Philadelphia), Oscar V (Sept, 1897, 2 yrs.), Florence E (Sept 1874, 25 yrs.), Arthur B. (Nov 1876, 23 yrs., California, artist), Mary McCarty (Mother-in-law, May 1843, 57 yrs., mother of 13).

They were also counted in a second census report that year. In 1900 the Dayton family was also listed as living in Snyder, Blair, Pennsylvania. The Dayton household included George, Mary, Irwin, Eugene, Oscar V., Florence, Arthur, and his mother-in-law Mary McCarty.

On March 31, 1904, the “Tyrone Herald” reported, “George Washington Dayton, Tyrone’s boss artist, Vail’s central station postmaster, and the general community’s greatest jokester was in town Monday with four telescopes, a monster magnifying glass, a double-action six shooter Colt’s army revolver and a belt full of cartridges, looking for a lot which he purchased recently and upon which he advanced one-third of the purchase money but failed to get information as to the location of the property” (page 5).

On Sept. 11, 1904, “The Brooklyn Daily Citizen” reported, “The veteran scenic artist, George W. Dayton, painted the scene for Milton Nobles’ new comedy, ‘The Days of ’49.’ In 1875, Mr. Dayton got up the first scene for ‘The Phoenix,’ when Milton Nobles came forward as a star, in the now famous play of that name. Mr. Dayton has painted nearly one-half of the cycloramas that have been exhibited in this country since the Civil War” (page 3].

George W. Dayton Sr. passed away shortly after his 80th birthday, He died in Snyder Township, Blair Country, Pennsylvania, on June 25, 1909. The cause of death was listed as “Chronic Interstitial Nephritis,” an ailment that had lasted for approximately 6 months. His occupation was listed as “artist.” Dayton was buried in Grandview Cemetery, Tyrone, Blair County, PA.  His obituary was published in the “Tyrone Daily Herald on Jan. 27, 1909 (page 4).  It stated:

“FAMOUS ARTIST GONE. On Monday afternoon at 8:30 o’clock, George W. Dayton, the famous scenic artist. Died at his home at Vail. Mr. Dayton had been in failing health the past years from complication of diseases and was unable to leave his home the past two months. He gradually grew worse until death claimed him at the above-mentioned time.  He was a kind, affectionate husband and father and will be greatly missed in the home. George W. Dayton was born in New York City, June 19, 1839, making his age 69 years, 7 months and 6 days. Mr. Dayton was married twice. His first wife preceded him to the grave in 1885. Two children were born to this union. His second wife, Mary E. Dayton, and the following children survive’ Mrs. William Ruhe, of China, Arthur B. Dayton, New Milford, Ohio, Irving. Eugene and Oscar, at home. The funeral will occur on Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. Services conducted at the home by Rev. George T. Gunter. Interment in Grand View Cemetery, Tyrone.”

His Eulogy was also included in the article:

“Eulogy of Geo. W. Dayton. One more friend is gone, one more father less, one more familiar face missed from among us. George W. Dayton passed away Jan. 25the. He has left a vacancy in the world of painters, for he was no common craft. His hand that held the brush was of cunning skill, as he stood high among the galaxy of old school painters fast fading from our midst. Although old it be, yet it was glorious in its day, as it has pointed the way to the newer school of painters. Just as from Chaucer sprang the renaissance of English literature, so from men of Dayton’s day evolved the present school of scenic art, He painted great scenes. He put his brush to a white mass of canvas and behold, trees rustled in the breeze, mountains swam in the hazy distance, mosses clung to magnificent architecture, shapely columns and sweeping arches gleamed among cypress and cedar. His touch had magic in it; his color was sweet and harmonious – never jarring or gaudy. An artist who stands high in his profession, said to me not long ago, ‘If I could handle the difficulties of scenic art as Dayton once did, I should consider myself a master.’ One of the charms of Mr. Dayton was his unfailing cheerfulness. His life had its ups and downs, its smiles and tears, but through all, he never changed. In my long association with him I never heard him condemn. ‘If you can’t speak well of anyone, hold your tongue,” was his oft-repeated advice. He was born in New York city considerably over a half century ago. In his early youth he showed decided talent for his chosen profession. There is much that is somewhat obscure in his early days. A hint or two he let drop led me to believe that his first venture was a turn in a circus, but of this I am not sure. The first definite knowledge we have of him was when he was about eighteen years of age. Then owing to the undoubted talent he displayed he was installed as a scenic artist of the old Bowery theatre in New York. This position he filled for three or four years. When his marked ability became apparent, his services were in demand. After a prosperous career here, he was offered an engagement in the principal theatre of San Francisco, his salary being among the highest in those days, paid in gold. He, owing to his genial disposition and talent, was presented with a handsome gold watch in token of esteem. All artists are more or less nomadic; so later we find him holding positions in many of the principal cities of the country. He was in Chicago immediately before he came to Tyrone. About twenty years ago he became a member of the corps of artists in the studio of Wm. F. Wise & Co. Many remember some of the drop curtains he painted and how his ability was felt by all.  Now his eventual life is ended. When he lay upon his bed of death, his hands clasped by two of his friends, he looked up at us and with a flicker of his old time smile, joked even then, and after a pause, he turned to his wife and said, ‘I do not fear death.” There was no pain and he passed on a few days later into a calm and peaceful sleep. -A friend.”