Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 181 Thomas G. Moses Leaves Sosman & Landis and Lem Graham

Thomas G. Moses wrote, “1882 found me just as restless to do something big, and I drifted along with the regular work, until about May.” When the theatre season closed, he left Sosman & Landis and partnered with Lemuel L. Graham (1845-1914). That year, Graham was also listed as the scenic artist at the Standard Theatre in Chicago. Two years later, Graham would found his own scenic studio in Kansas City. He later moved to Memphis, Tennessee in 1899, and then Brooklyn, New York by 1904. He would remain there for the final decade of his life. In Brooklyn he partnered with P. Dodd Ackerman, of Studio Building 1576 to 1580 Bushwick Ave, New York.

Academy of Music, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1882.
Academy of Music, Kalamazoo, Michigan, 1886.

Moses and Graham’s first contract was in Kalamazoo, Michigan for the Academy of Music, a 1250-seat opera house. Located on South Rose Street across from Bronson Park, it was built and run as a legitimate theatre from May 8, 1882 to June 4, 1919. After that it was run as a film house named the Regent Theatre until fire destroyed it in 1929. The proscenium opening measured 32’ x 32’ with 31 sets of scenery. Moses wrote, “I did all the foliage and I was astonished on seeing my stuff set, to see how I improved.” The theatre was on the second floor with two stores on ground level.

John McCullough in the “Virginius,” the opening production at the Academy of Music in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

John McCullough, the celebrated tragedian, was to open the new theatre and the owners wanted to make it a big affair. They paid Graham and Moses a good price for special scenery to accompany the production of “Virginius.” Moses noted that they were all Roman scenes, writing, “We spread ourselves and it was very pleasant work.”

Ella and the children joined Moses for part of the summer, traveling next to Grand Rapids, where Moses and Graham completed their second job at Redmond’s Opera House (later known as the Grand Opera House), built in 1882. There, Moses recalled that Graham boarded at a hotel and fell in love with the head waitress and they eventually married. Moses wrote, “she proved to be a good wife and good mother.” The Moses family boarded at a private house, “met a number of pleasant people,” and “thoroughly enjoying the Summer.” By this time, Pitt was old enough to run away and Moses remembered that “he kept us in hot water most of the time.”

Redmond’s Opera House in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1882. Later called the Grand Opera House.

Moses’ share of the profits with Graham amounted in approximately $40.00 per week, minus the expenses to keep his family with him. At this time, John H. Young also joined their team. Moses recorded, “He was then working a candy concern, but was delighted to join us.” After completing their project in Grand Rapids, Moses found work in Elgin and his family returned to Chicago. While working in Elgin, Moses made his first water color sketch from nature. He and Young went out as often as we could.

Next on their journey was Racine, Wisconsin. Even with the onset of cold weather, they still continued to sketch and enjoyed it.   In Racine, they painted scenery for the Black Opera House. There, Moses boarded with the widow of Dan Castello, the famous circus clown.

Dan Castello, circus clown.

The Castello and Van Vleck Mammoth Show’s began over two decades earlier on May 2, 1863. The story of the Castello and Van Vleck Circus is told in the book “Ins and Outs of Circus Life or Forty-Two Years Travel of John H. Glenroy “and compiled by Stephen Stanley in 1885. The company included: Dan Castello, clown; Frances Castello, rider; Joseph Tinkham; hurdle rider; George M. Kelly and Charles Burroughs, acrobats; Thomas Poland, ringmaster; William Smith, horse rider; Thomas Burgess, clown; Natt McCollom, banjoist and minstrel; Richard Hammon, acrobat; and John Burns, acrobat.

While in Racine, Moses also had the opportunity to do a lot of outside work for traveling companies, including an “H. M S. Pinafore” set. Graham and he were doing much better as they had two good jobs at the same time and money was pouring in. Moses wrote that Graham “was a regular Shylock, a good fellow and a hard worker, but altogether too close to please me.” Graham and Young later departed for Hannibal, Missouri, leaving Moses alone to finish the work. He hired an assistant to complete the project. A lot of time was spent away from his home in Chicago. Moses recalled, “These were lonesome days for Ella and the children. From Racine I would go home each Sunday.”

To be continued…

Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 180 – Ella Robbins Moses

The telling of this tale is not complete without providing a preliminary look at Thomas G. Moses’ family, his primary network of support. They are the ones who witnessed first hand his talent, love, work ethic and sense of humor. Moses’ typed manuscript records his artwork from 1873-1931, but he actively worked until the age of 78 in 1934. Today’s installment provides a familial context for the future events that I will describe, as well as the significance of his design and painting of the Fort Scott Scottish Rite scenery collection in 1924.

Thomas G. Moses and Ella Robbins celebrated fifty-five years together of “happy married companionship” in 1933. Their sons and daughters, with the respective wives, husbands and families all returned home to Oak Park. The celebration occurred on October 31. The couple was married in 1878 and they had four children, one of who would follow his footsteps into the theatre business and another who would work in the gas industry with his brother Frank.

Very little personal interaction with his children or grandchildren appears in Moses’ typed manuscripts or his few remaining handwritten diaries. It is in his letters and postcards that a love of family and fears of age are revealed.

On July 26, 1931, Moses wrote a letter to his eldest son, Pitt. In it he expressed his love for his wife, writing: “The domestic side of my life has been a very happy one in choosing a wonderful mate, and who has not only been a good mother to our four healthy children, but a very good help in sifting out many financial difficulties that are bound to come into our lives.” His love for Ella was unquestionable. I will never forget transcribing the single sentence in his 1931 diary that documented her return to his side after a long absence. He simply wrote, “Living again.”

Moses lost many precious moments with his family over the years when he was traveling. He missed his wife, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and wanted them to know he disliked the extended separations. He sent a Halloween card to his granddaughter Doris in 1930. It provides a little insight into Moses’ acknowledgement of his continued absence from loved ones.

Card from Thomas G. Moses to his granddaughter Doris in 1930. In the John R. Rothgeb papers at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin.

In the card, Moses he wrote, “My Dear Doris, Here is wishing you all the luck in the world for a good time during Halloween. I believe you will have frosty weather as we are getting it. Many thanks for your most welcome letter. I am not staying away from home because I like to. I would like to take a train tonight for Chicago. It will be a month more before I can get home. I can’t even get a decent movie for an evening, so my hotel room is all I get. Love from Grandfather Moses.” He was seventy-four years old and still missing out. Three years later he would write, “Tears come to my eyes whenever I think of ‘Peggy Louise’ that I have lived to be a great-grandfather, and not have the pleasure of her companionship in the years that the love of children is so essential.”

Moses’ manuscript does not always include personal family matters, as it was to be a book, “Sixty Years Behind the Curtain Line.” Information from his small handwritten diaries was compiled into a typed manuscript. It was simply titled “My Diary,” as it was left unfinished. His story continued, however, as he kept recording daily activities. The technical information pertaining to work, business relationships and various artistic projects make his story a fascinating one, but it is the overall tone and his perspective that engages the reader.

I previously addressed Moses’ desire to leave something for his relatives and fellow scenic artists. Moses repeated this request at various points in his writings. Although the current version of his typed manuscript ended in 1931, his final two years are preserved in handwritten diaries. Although badly damaged, I am in the process of transcribing them to catch glimpses of his final thoughts. He has the wisdom of age, but there is desperation to tie up loose ends, both personally and professionally.

But why compile a typed manuscript at the age of 75? 1931 was a turning point for Moses as he was forced to face his rapidly deteriorating health. As I read the pages, I think of someone grasping at straws. There is the desire to stay just a little bit longer, to take care of everything, and to leave this life without burdening anyone. It makes me think about pregnant women who go into “nesting mode” just before the birth of a child. My nesting involved finishing cleaning our house after my water broke. I wanted everything in order prior to my departure to the hospital, to prepare a place for another.

Many prepare for a final departure from the world as well. These are the same ones who hate to leave any loose ends behind. They understand that others will soon take over their responsibilities. In a sense, they too are “nesting,” but no longer for their own use. They are preparing a place for those who will remain, their family members who are left behind. Tomorrow I will look at some of his final preparations as they provide a context for his journey.

To be continued…

Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 179 – Thomas G. Moses and Will Davis, 1881

Moses traveled to Richmond, Indiana, during 1881. There, he and William P. Davis worked on a scenery project. Moses’ assistant, “Will” Davis, was later listed as the scenic artist for the Grand Opera House in Barrie, Ontario, Canada, by 1899. Davis was also listed that year in Julius Cahn’s Theatrical Guide as the scenic artist for the Metropolitan Opera House in St. Paul, Minnesota. Later, in the employ of Twin City Scenic Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota, he was just one of many artists to arrive in the Twin Cities seeking employment as the studio’s business dramatically increased.

“The Evening Item” noted Moses’ scenic art in Richmond, Indiana, at the newly refurbished Grand Opera House (Sept. 19, 1881, Vol. 5, No. 211), describing the refurbished venue.

Miss Marie Prescott was the opening production in the space. An 1881 newspaper article title “Among the Shows” published, “the house is really a beauty, all the old dressing rooms, partitions and scenery have been removed, and new opera chairs will be put in as soon as they are finished. The old entrances to the gallery have all been taken out, and the stage brought forward several feet. At each end of the stage is a private box, with brass posts and rails in front, and curtains of rich crimson velvet and lace. They project fully three feet, and have on each a chandelier which lights the stage.” The newly added scenery included one fancy set chamber, four wings; one set plain chamber, four wings; one kitchen, and one prison, each four wings; one wood, six wings; one landscape, one perspective street, one rocky pass, one horizon, one ocean, one garden, one grand drapery border, one set tormentor wings and doors, three drapery borders, two kitchen borders, three foliage borders, one set cottage, one set bridge, four set rocks, one tree, two set waters, one foreground, one garden wall, one balustrade, two statues. The article published that “the scenic work was completed by Sosman & Landis of Chicago with Thomas G. Moses painting the drop curtain. The newspaper article specified that is was “the finest piece in the entire work and really a work of art.” The auditorium decoration work was done by John M. Wood, of Chicago, who also represented Spoor Mackey, who was a leading theatrical decorator of the West.

Thomas G. Moses’ scenic work for a drop curtain noted in “The Evening Item,” Vol . 5, No. 211, Sept. 19, 1881 (Richmond, Indiana).

It was later known as the Bradley Opera House (located at North Eighth and A Streets), the building was later remodeled by George J. Bradley in 1896 and then noted, “one of the prettiest ground-floor theatres in Indiana” (Logansport Pharos-Tribune, 2 Sept, 1898, page 18). Sadly, the building was destroyed by fire two years later; the cause believed to be from the “electric light wires, which entered the theatre building from the rear.”

This same year that Moses and Davis worked in Richmond, a new daughter was born. Mary Titcomb Moses arrived on September 7th, 1881. This was the second of four children for the couple. The remaining two would be Lillian Ella Moses in 1886 and Thomas Rupert Moses in 1889. Ella remained in Sterling with her Mother, who was now living in town instead of on Robbins Range. He noted that the arrival of a baby girl necessitated increasing his income. He wrote that Sosman & Landis increased his salary from $21.00 to $26.00 per week upon the arrival of his daughter. This increase was really overdue, as Moses had quickly become a valuable asset to the studio.

Moses explained the reason for the increase was his willingness to do “a great deal of extra work, all on the day rate, I never received more than straight time. I could never see why anyone ever earns any more.”

I want to take a moment to address his statement above, “I could never see why anyone ever earns anymore.” This belief would make Moses an extremely valuable employee, but not necessary a popular one, or a positive spokesman for any labor union. I previous research, Joseph Sands Sosman was curiously absent from any union records, especially during the formation and early years of any union activities. I find this interesting, as many of his contemporaries were the movers and shakers of early union activities. Moses certainly was not isolated in his work, friendships, or projects.

Moses returned to Sosman & Landis in studio for good 1904 to supervise the paint studios. This was a time when Sosman was forced to pay attention to more administrative duties after Abraham “Perry” Landis’ departure due to his failing health. The internal workings and attitudes of the Sosman & Landis Studio primarily originate with the memoirs of John Hanny (1890-1984) who worked at the studio from 1906-1920. It is his memoirs that describe the dynamics of the studio and will be presented after the tale of Thomas Moses.

The American Society of Scene Painters emerged in 1892 (see installment #138) and included some thirty members of the most prominent men in the profession. The objects of the society were “to promote the artistic and practical efficiency of the profession, and consolidate as a whole the dignity of the profession hitherto maintained by the individual artist.” Organized in Albany, New York, the executive staff included Richard Marston (Palmer’s Theatre), Henry E, Hoyt (Metropolitan Opera House), Homer F. Emens (Fourteenth Street Theatre), Sydney Chidley (Union Square Theatre), Harley Merry (Brooklyn Studio) Brooklyn and Ernest Albert (Albert, Grover & Burridge). Their chief grievance claimed that the stage manager was their worst enemy. They complained that scenes were set in accordance with the off-hand wishes of the managers and not with painters direct. Doing so caused many of the most artistic effects of each scene to be lost as they were not properly displayed.

This would make the appearance of a new fraternal client a dream come true. Scottish Rite theatres would not follow the standard hierarchy or the rule of the stage manager.

To be continued…

Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 178 – Illinois “Illie” Moses, Sister and Actress

Thomas Moses’ salary increased from $18.00 to $20.00 per week during the spring of 1881. He was also ambitious to work on other painting projects beyond that offered in the Sosman & Landis studio. He began to look for other employment opportunities and first sought out Lou Malmsha who was still painting at McVickers Theatre, but there were no openings. Moses eventually secured additional work with Lem Graham at the Academy of Music who was painting the scenery for that venue. Moses wrote, “I enjoyed the work, even if I had to do it evenings and Sundays. I received good pay for this, which all helped. The plays were mostly of the melodramatic order and required a lot of scenery.”

Academy of Music in 1877, Chicago, Illinois.

Moses’ sister Illie was a member of the stock company at the time. Illie was twenty years old and I had to wonder if she had also run away from home. Born with the name Illinois Mary Moses on December 25, 1860, little is known of “Illie” other than she remained single and lived until May 27, 1932 in Oak Park, Illinois.

Illie Moses listed as part of the stock company at the Academy of Music under the management of William Emmett. The Chicago Tribune, Dec. 12, 1880, pg. 18.

The Chicago Tribune on December 12, 1880 (page 18) noted “Miss Illlie Moses” was part of the company for “Neck and Neck” that was being performed at the Academy of Music under the management of Emmett. The lead for the production was E.T. Stetson.

Program listing William Emmet as the manager for the Academy of Music, where Thomas G. Moses and Illie Moses worked during the 1880s.

In 1885, Illie performed in “A Mountain Pink” that was presented at the Opera House in Emporia, Kansas. The Emporia Daily February 27, 1885 (page 1) reviewed the performance, noting that Illie Moses “displayed much ability” when she played the dual role of Belle Trafton, “a refined young lady,” and Samantha Weeks, “the old and surly wife of a Moonshiner. She was the supporting role to the production’s lead Laura Dainty.

By 1885, she had briefly returned to Sterling, Illinois to perform the parts of Belle and Samantha in “A Modern Pink.” The Sterling Standard (1 Jan 1885, page 8) remembered her as “an old Second Ward girl,” “a graduate of the class of ’76 in the high school,” and someone “making her way as an actress.”

The Sterling Standard, Jan. 1, 1885, page 18. Notice of Illie Moses in the production of “A Mountain Pink.”

During 1893, “Illie Moses” was in Montgomery, Alabama for a brief stay, having arrived at the Exchange hotel. It was advertised in the “Personal” section of the Montgomery Advisor on Oct. 4, 1883 (page 4).

I find it interesting that Moses seldom mentioned his sister in his typed manuscript, especially as they both worked in show business. It is possible that their paths never crossed again on the stage or at any other performance venue. Moses’ last mention of his sister was when she passed away. He recorded that he was called to her apartment that Sunday morning. They were both living in Oak Park, Illinois at the time.

There are emotional events throughout Moses’ typed manuscript in terms of business relationships, artistic colleagues and making a living, but few personal descriptions of familial ties beyond mentions of Ella. His writings primarily document his professional interactions and artistic ambitions. In short, his writings are a work log of travel, professional projects, and economic activities pertaining to his career as an artist and not as a brother or father. Even as a son and husband, there are very limited entries. The value of his diaries lies in the notations and descriptions pertaining to various theatrical productions and popular entertainments. From these records, one can trace down further information and details such as venues, years, and coworkers that highlight a particular network of theatrical manufacturers and suppliers.

When Moses helped Lem Graham at the Academy of Music, he commented that Sosman & Landis were very aware of his moonlighting activities and encouraged him to accept the work. Moses wrote “Sosman and Landis knew I was helping Graham and seemed to be pleased that I was forging ahead.” His ambition would ultimately cause him to depart the studio numerous times in search of greener pastures.

To be continued…

Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 177 – Thomas G. Moses at Sosman & Landis, 1880

When Thomas G. Moses was unsuccessful at securing work at the P. M. Almini Company he headed to a nearby scenic studio. Joseph Sands Sosman was familiar with Moses’ work and offered $18.00 per week to work at Sosman & Landis. This was six dollars a week less than he could make at Almini’s, but the work was steady. Having no alternative, Moses started painting for Sosman & Landis and was sent to Kenosha, Wisconsin.

View of lighthouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Sosman joined him immediately on the job and they completed a plain interior, kitchen and some set pieces that April, returning to the studio afterward.

In Chicago, Moses boarded with his friend, Will Tuller at O. W. Young’s on 438 West Van Buren Street.

Image by photographer Richard Yoshiro (1894-1981) of O. W. Young’s cottage in Gladwin, Minnesota.

He did not return to Sterling until the end of May. It was then that he decided to resettle his family in the big city. They moved to 744 West Van Buren Street, a four-bedroom rental for $11.00. The current equivalent for this housing would be approximately $256.00 USD for monthly rental. Moses noted, “My career as a scenic artist starts from here. I was full of ambition and hustle. If I had been endowed with a like amount of ability I would have set the world on fire.”
It was all hard work, but his limited knowledge of scene painting techniques proved to be a wonderful help. He studied the painting techniques at various theaters, attempting to rapidly improve both his skills and his speed.

They saved money from his salary and paid all outstanding bills from their life in Sterling. Moses wrote, “We set our table on $3.00 per week and lived well. We were soon out of debt and started to lay a few dollars for a rainy day.”

Sosman and Moses traveled a great deal in the beginning. Landis was always away, traveling to secure orders. It would take six months before Moses even meet Landis as he was constantly traveling across the country to drum up work. As the business increased, Sosman & Landis added a paint boy to their studio. Although fellow scenic artists told Moses to leave the studio, he stayed employed full-time. Understanding that he could make between $35.00 to $45.00 per week in the theaters, there was stability at the Sosman & Landis studio and a dependable income for his little family. However, their comments made Moses realize that he was worth far more than $18.00 per week, especially as he had proven himself a “hustler” on each job.

His painting was also rapidly improving. Moses wrote, “My work might not have been as artistic as some I saw in the theaters, but it pleased the people who paid for it.”

Braidwood depot rebuilt after the fire.
Coal miners from the first shaft mine in Braidwood.

On one painting trip to Braidwood, Illinois, Moses brought Ella and the baby along. It was a coal mining town. On April 22, 1879, Braidwood experienced tragedy as a terrible fire raged through the town. More than a dozen buildings were destroyed by the inferno, including the railroad depot, a hotel, two saloons, a blacksmith shop, the grain elevator and several homes. Then town was soon rebuilt and drew many newcomers to the area, including Peter Rossi who began manufacturing macaroni there.

In Braidwood, Moses, Ella and baby Pitt visited local parks every Sunday, seeking all the enjoyment they could on their limited means. The couple even went down in a coalmine to examine the process that brought coal to the surface. Slag hills were scattered across farmland after the creation of numerous “coal wells.”

Their simple life put everything into perspective during these early years and proved a driving force for Moses’ strive for success. In 1880 he wrote, “ I was determined to make something of myself. I found an old friend, A. J. Rupert, with whom I had worked at Almini’s. He was now an instructor at the Art Institute, in the life class. He studied abroad and was very clever.” Moses joined the art class, two nights a week for a very small tuition, noted that it gave him enough courage to attempt some figure painting on curtains. Moses commented that many of the artists “were very clever and gave me a lot of valuable pointers, so I improved rapidly.”

To be continued…

Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 176 – H.M.S.Pinafore and Faxon the Sign Painter, 1879

In 1879 Moses decorated several private houses, but no one in Sterling could afford a very elaborate job and had very few theatre opportunities. He wrote, “I wanted the big work in the city and if possible, I wanted scenery and not so much decorating.”

1879 “Pinafore” color lithograph cigar label.

Finally, he painted the first set of scenery for “H.M.S. Pinafore” that played west of Chicago. Traveling with the show to Beloit, Illinois, he believed that his scenery looked good.

1879 production of “H.M.S. Pinafore” by the Amherst Glee Club of College Hall.

The production of the painted scenes had proven to be an opportunity to reconnect with his father. Moses wrote, “Father came to the Academy quite often while I was painting the ship set and offered many good suggestions.” I read this and thought that it was probably the perfect show for them to connect on, the old sea captain making suggestions for the ship compositions. Their relationship had come a long way since Moses first left for Chicago and he was now an accomplished artist, receiving support from the theatrical community. This proved his artistic worth to not only his father, but also the entire town of Sterling.

Moses received plenty of encouragement from the travelling companies, all suggesting that he return to Chicago. Moses wrote, “I was afraid to venture, but knew that I couldn’t go on as I was.” He especially need to increase his income after the birth of their first child

On September 6, 1879, “Pitt” was born and Moses wrote about a new fear as provider for his small family. This would be the first four children. He immediately realized that artistic projects in Sterling would never provide an adequate income. During that fall, Moses wrote, “The Winter was coming on and the outlook was anything but bright. I was earning on an average only of about $75.00 per month.”

Moses could continue travelling great distances for painting projects or simply move to a larger city. Regardless, he would have to leave home and start working elsewhere while Ella and Pitt remained at their home in Sterling. The painful separations of the past would start again. He understood that in order to continue his career as both a scenic artist and fine artist, he would need to move to a much larger city immediately and send for his family as soon as possible.

While contemplating where he should seek employment first, Moses received an offer in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His friend “Faxon” was going to start a regular painting business and wanted Moses as a partner. Moses wrote that Faxon was a “high-class sign painter and a good hustler.” In the end, Moses made up his mind to head toward Chicago in the spring. He had several jobs up to Christmas in 1879, but a lot of idle days. He wrote, “I didn’t have the painting bug then, or I would have painted pictures.”

Moses reflected on his wife’s undying support regardless of their situation, even understanding that she would soon be left alone to raise their child. He wrote, “Ella was very brave through it all, never complaining, which kept me up. There were a great many men in Sterling who were doing no better than I, and some doing less, and they seemed to be happy. But I would never be satisfied, for I had been to Chicago and knew what I could do.”

To be continued…

Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 175 – Thomas G. Moses and the Memorial Year

In 1878, Thomas G. Moses and Ella Robbins were inseparable as they made plans for a fall wedding. Moses wrote that they spent all of their spare time together planning for the future. He continued to work as a scenic artist, starting the year with an advertising drop that led to some scenery for a “barn storming company.” Soon he was employed to decorate Sterling’s Academy of Music and paint all of the scenery.

Stage of the Academy of Music in Sterling, Illinois.

During this time, his father actively worked against him to discourage clients from hiring him, especially the owner of the Academy of Music. His father even explained to the owner of the venue, Mr. Tracy, that Moses was “too young for such a big job.” Fortunately, Tracy responded that he had “full confidence” in his ability to do the work. In the end, Moses worked all summer at the Academy in addition to completing a small number of other painting projects.

It is one thing to disapprove of a child’s career course, but another entirely to try and undermine it. After having read the thoughtful and loving notes sent to Moses by his father after first moving to Chicago, I was confused. What had happened? Initially, he had the support from his family, receiving the trunk of clothes and his first diary. This goodwill seemed to have vanquished. Moses’ typed manuscript paints an entirely different picture of his father from the few handwritten notes contained at the Harry Ransom Center. Could it the increased hostilities between Moses and his family a result of his stepmother? Moses recalled when she first arrived, writing, “We figured a new Mother would not be so cross. When she arrived with the girls, and gave us a “once over,” I felt in my bones that we had got in a cinch.” Later he added, “When the new Mother took charge of affairs, there were many radical changes made. Many of them made my young life a burden, and had a strong influence on my whole life, and also kept my nose to the grindstone.” This situation would be made worse after viewing his birth mother’s sketchbook. He had lost a fellow artist before he even realized that he would become one himself. Despite any ill feelings, Moses returned to Sterling in 1878 and attempted to carve out a career as an artist in this small town.

That summer, Ella moved into town from Robbins Range, accepting work as a dressmaker with Mrs. Wilson. Meanwhile, Moses boarded at the family home of his good friend Will Tuller, eventually moving later to the Galt House after extending relations of the Tullers decided to visit.

Galt House in Sterling, Illinois where Moses stayed before his wedding.

Of this period, Moses wrote, “Ella and I spent all the spare time we had planning for the future. We had our little home all spoken for and a list made up for the furnishing. Those were indeed happy days. After all we had both gone through, for Ella had a hard time on the farm – nearly five years of hard work, cooking for a bunch of “hobos” that was composed of a dozen farm hands, if not more. We agreed to start housekeeping very quietly and not try to make a splurge. Mrs. Robbins assisted as much as she could. Our little cottage had plenty of ground to stand on an all kinds of fruit. We had everything that was necessary to make us comfortable and happy.”

Wedding announcement for Thomas G. Moses and Ella Robbins in 1878.

The couple was married on Thursday, October 31st, 1878. Moses recalled the ceremony, writing, “I left town about noon, arrived at Robbins Range at 3 o’clock. We were married at 4 o’clock. After a fine dinner we left for town and our little home. We found a nice warm fire to welcome us. Everyone seemed pleased, except my Father.” After the wedding Moses had very little scenery to paint, but his work at the Academy put him “on the list.” He wrote, “Father heard so much praise of my work that he finally weakened and we called the old score off and ‘we lived happily ever after.’”

Thomas G. Moses and Ella Robbins Moses, 508 E. 7th Street in Sterling, Illinois.
Thomas G. Moses and Ella Robbins Moses in 1879 in front of their house in Sterling, Illinois.

They managed to meet their expenses the first year of marriage, but it was a “hand to mouth existence.” During the spring of 1879 Moses secured painting work to decorate a church in Tampico, Illinois. He intensely disliked working for churches. His feelings did not stem from the artistic compositions or the denomination’s theological stance. It was the people. Moses wrote, “My experience with Church Committees, of all denominations, was such that I almost promised myself never to enter another Church. I found a lot of dishonest men that were pillars of the church and naturally I looked upon them as good Christians, and their word should have been as good as their bond.”

To be continued…

Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 174 – Thomas G. Moses, Homecoming

Moses wrote, “My exile was slipping along and I looked forward to this time of going back to Sterling. Father was still looking for me and Ella and Frank kept me posted on the current events at Sterling and on the farm Robbins Range.” By August Moses decided that it was time for him to return home to Sterling as he was now twenty-one years of age and had been gone for over two years. On September 28, he began his return trip home at 11:00AM, departing Jackson, Michigan and arriving the next day in Sterling at 6:00PM. Upon his arrival, he went to see an old family friend, Mr. Hempsted [Howland] who owned the livery stable.

Sterling livery.

He rented the best rig and started toward Robbins Rang to call on his “best girl” Ella. Although he was ashamed of his appearance, he was glad to get back. He wrote, “The next morning I managed to change my appearance. I borrowed a clean linen and got a shave and a shine – a good brush up. All I had in the world, I had on.”

He then went to visit his own family and the reception was not quite as warm as it had been at Robbins Range. Frank was the only one pleased to see him and Moses recalled, “My new Mother and sister stood like stone images and gaped at me and said nothing. Father told me quickly there was no home for me at that particular house. I informed him that was nothing new since my Mother’s death; I never had a home. I was told to get out, quick! And never some back. I went out and never went back.”

Depot in Sterling, Illilnois.

His new home was now Robbins Range and on his return to the farm, he found the old house paint just where he left it two years prior after applying one coat to the house. He got some more lead and oil to finish the job. He and Ella attended Church despite his limited wardrobe, writing, “She was not ashamed of me; quite a number of my old friends were glad to see me. I would yet make a good return to Sterling and the people would honor me. I owed that much to Ella.” He and then secured several small jobs in Sterling, but soon realized that it would take more time and money than he had to start any kind of shop there. He wrote, “So I went East again, broke as usual.” Arriving in Michigan City, Moses sought out a scenic artist working in the Turner Hall, but the man wouldn’t help him out and he ended up sleeping in the depot that night. Reflecting on this particular time of despair, Moses wrote, “All the next day I waited, looking for work – nothing in sight – nothing to eat. I was too proud to beg – too honest to steal, so I went hungry. I thought it a pretty cold world. About 5 o’clock my friend’s train pulled in. “Hello, Tom, what are you doing here? Have you had your supper?” “No” “Come and have something with me.” When I sat down to the table the sight of food unnerved me and I broke down and cried.”

After a fine meal with his friend, they left on the train bound for Jackson, Michigan. They sat in a little cupola of the caboose, smoking good cigars under bright moonlight and Moses’ troubles were soon forgotten. Upon arriving in Jackson, he was handed a telegram from his friend George Stevenson. There was a residential decorating job waiting for Moses in Grand Rapids, in the fine home of Banker Gilbert. Stevenson staked him a ticket and a little pocket money. Moses was soon at work and earning a good salary. He now had enough money to “get some good clothes.” More clothes than he could wear at one time, necessitating him to buy a suitcase and a good overcoat. Dressed in his best, Moses returned to Sterling and Ella.

To be continued…

Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 173 – Thomas G. Moses and John H. Young, Wandering

Detroit in the 1880s.

In 1877 John H. Young and Thomas G. Moses headed to Detroit. They received word from their previous employer Wardus about a large church project. I was surprised to read this entry as Wardus skipped town with their money after a previous church job, owning a substantial amount to Moses, Young and Tom Brown. Brown returned to New York, but Moses and Young remained unemployed in Jackson, Michigan. It is understandable that they would agree to meet Wardus in Detroit, as it might be have been the only way to ever recover their lost wages. Unfortunately Wardus wasn’t there when they arrived at the designated hotel. He had left a note explaining that he was traveling with his family to Rochester and would return in a few days. The two boys waited for an entire week to no avail. Moses wrote, “we were broke; had to borrow money from a priest that we knew to get us back to Jackson where we arrived safely and very much wiser.”

Moses sought employment with George W. Stevenson again, the manager of the “Two Theatre” and “City Bill Poster.” After Stevenson suffered a $1600 loss of all his scenery and mechanical effects in a fire, the author of this military drama decided to stage a new version. Moses was hired to create scenery for the production “The Drummer Boy of the Rappahannock,” advertised as “the best military drama in the business.” The painted scenes for this production included views of Fort Sumpter, Charleston Harbor, Fredericksburg, the interior of Libby Prison, the Camp at Falmouth, Camp of the 13th Massachusetts, Pontoon bridges, and boats crossing the Rappahannock. Various newspaper articles described magnificent cloud scenes and tableaux.

The production was advertised as a drama “of the same characteristic as the ‘Union Spry’ and would be given under the auspices and for the benefit of the Detroit Life Infantry. Stevenson appeared as the leading character, Harry Harpre, the Scout. Advertisements noted that “the play abounds in intensely dramatic incidents and military tableaux, and there is enough of the patriotic element and of rollicking humor to keep up interest throughout the entire five acts” (Detroit Free Press 1889 11 Jan 1880, page 8). The scenic effects included “the bombardment of Fort Sumpter, the charge on Fredericksburg, the crossing of the river on pontoons, the escape from the horrors of Libby prison, the return of Col. Freeman’s regiment and the grand dénouement. Capt. Dupont and the light infantry will appear in the bayonet drill, for which this company has already been celebrated.”

While working on a few decorating projects for Stevenson, Moses had the opportunity to make acquaintance with of “the better class of young people” and went out a good deal with them. By that summer, painting work for Moses began to wane and he advertised as an art instructor.

Grass Lake, Michigan, where Thomas G. Moses instructed his first art students.

Recalling his first studio in Grass Lake in 1931, he wrote, “I opened a ‘School of Painting.” I can still see my little tin sign swinging in the breeze. Some nerve! Say I. I soon had a class of fourteen – mostly girls. They came from farms and villages. I was teaching something that I knew very little about and I got away with the bluff, and made good. Everyone was satisfied and I earned four dollars a day. I was entertained and invited to all the best homes. I was a real artist for a while and lived among real people.”

Grass Lake school house from 1878.

To be continued…



Tales from a Scenic Artist and Scholar. Part 172 – Thomas G. Moses’ Protégé, John H. Young

While researching scenic artists who worked with Thomas G. Moses, John H. Young kept reappearing in many documents. One of the best articles that I came across was a loose piece of paper from the John R. Rothgeb Papers at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin. It was a photocopied page of an article without any citation titled, “How Scene Painting is Done in a Big Studio, John H Young Goes About His Work in Systematic Fashion and Gives Public an Idea of How His Difficult Work is Performed.” There was no date or source to credit to this article. I have searched in vain, trying to track it down.

“How Scene Painting is Done in a Big Studio” Article in John R. Rothgeb Papers, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin. No date. The information provided by John H. Young, scenic artist is wonderful. Illustration is one of his sketches from “The Highwayman.”
“How Scene Painting is Done in a Big Studio” Article in John R. Rothgeb Papers, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin. No date. This is the only image that I have seen of John H. Young!
“John H. Young at Work” illustration in “How Scene Painting is Done in a Big Studio” John R. Rothgeb Papers, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin. No date.

However, this is not a document that should be lost. It signifies a well-known designer and artist who got his start with Thomas G. Moses. Here is the article in its entirely as it is a treasure trove of information:

“No scenic artist in this country enjoys a higher reputation than John H. Young of the Broadway Theatre. Hardly a play of any moment which has been produced in the metropolis has been written without evidences of his careful and skillful touch, and for the road attractions they bristle with the touches of his brush.

But Mr. Young’s position in his special line has not been reached without long and conscientious work dating back nearly a score of years. Born in the early 60s, Mr. Young soon gave signs of his artistic bent by turning his back upon the allurements of Michigan farming, and he was barely out of his teens before he was turning out pictures, which, though the evinced talent, were lacking in that technique which can only come from study and practice. About this time Mr. Young had the good fortune to come in contact with Thomas Moses, the veteran scenic artist of the West, and the latter was quick to see signs of talent in his young protégé.”

For several years Mr. Young worked in concert with his instructor and the scenes that he painted caused so wide comment, that in time he came to New York, where he could find a better field for his abilities. New York managers were quick to appreciate his efforts and thus came about that the subject of this sketch was installed as chief artist at the Broadway, which position he has held for more than seven years.

The average manager, when he has selected a play, has but seldom anything more than the vaguest idea of what he wants in the way of scenery to enhance it. It is just here that Mr. Young steps in a rescues the befuddled manager from the slough of theatrical despondence. He gets the main incidents of the author’s story and suggests the possibilities of scenic illustration. Oftentimes the manager who is to produce the play has ideas of the most impractical nature and Mr. Young shows him a hasty sketch of the utter folly of attempting to reproduce them. Provided Mr. Young and the manager come to an agreement, the decided-upon scenes are first done in watercolors, and these, when finished are subjected to another inspection by both artist and manager. Changes are suggested here and there, and sometimes even, the whole work is gone over, when it is found advisable. When the preliminary sketch is satisfactory, the next step is to transform into a miniature set scene, which duplicates down to the most trifling detail, the contemplates larger on for the actual performance. For this performance Mr. Young has in his studio, a small stage fitted with all the appurtenances which belong to the most complex of the regular stages; there are trap doors, wings, fly-galleries, a drop curtain, electric light, and a maze of small cords and fixtures for managing the whole.

If it be a mill scene, for instance, that is being arranged, the duplicate in miniature must have the revolving wheel, the running water, the sluice-box, and nothing whatever must be lacking. Very often when all is completed and in place on this trial stage, something of an impractical nature may be discovered and remedied, before the expense of the larger model is incurred. Theoretically many wonderful stage scenes may be all right, but the little trial stage prevents all failures and fiascos so far as the mere scenery is concerned. Of course, after this point is reached – the test on the trial stage – nothing remains but the putting of the scenes into the proper shape for the public. Time is the principal factor in this, and the more scenes and the more full of mechanical contrivance they are the longer it takes, Mr. Young has been most fortunate in overcoming the difficulties which put the mere spectacular plays beyond the abilities of many scenic artists. In “Under the Poplar Star,” for nicety of construction and naturalness of action, Mr. Young’s iceberg scene has seldom been equaled, and in all of his work there is the same evidence of thorough art, combined with a broad grasp of mechanical detail.

To the layman, scenic painting is somewhat of a mystery, and if he gives any thought to it at all it is doubtful if he realizes the high order of artistic ability which one must possess in order to faithfully deploy upon mammoth stage canvases the scenes which reflect the spirit of the play. Not only has one got to be an artist to begin with, but he must be a perfect jack-at-all trades in order to transfer his preliminary small sketch to a back drop measuring sometimes more than 100×40 feet; in the main, the small pattern picture is ruled off into squares, each of which is consecutively numbered. Similar squares, but on a much larger scale are then drawn upon the great canvas and the sketch is then “blocked in” square for square and number by number. As long as four months is needed on some of the more pretentious scenes, though about six weeks is the average for an ordinary scene. To enumerate the plays for which Mr. Young has painted scenes is no easy task, but among them may be mentioned, “The Highwayman,”

“The Highwayman by John H. Young” illustration in “How Scene Painting is Done in a Big Studio” John R. Rothgeb Papers, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin. No date.

“On the Bowery,” “Power of the Press,” “In Old Kentucky,” “Cumberland ’61,” “The Player,” “Pousee Café,” “Woman in Black,” “Under the City Lamps,” “Le Voyage de Susette,” “The Diamond Breaker,” “Monongahela,” “Trip to the Moon,” “Naval Cadet,” “Roaring Dick,” “La Falotte,” “Fallen Among Thieves,” “Polar Star,” “For the Crown,” “Lion Tamer,” “Across the Potomac,” “Power of Gold,” “Wang,” “Hamlet,” “Sidewalks of New York,” In addition, Mr. Young has painted many of the best drop curtains in the country, and as a water color artist he stands in the foremost rank. Nearly every exhibition of note is contributed to by him, and his work command a high price among discriminating purchasers.”

To be continued…