On the Tenth Day of Christmas

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…

This is one of the only times that I encountered something that was too damaged to save. As it was on my own dime, I had to be selective with what I kept for future training. The reason for the disposable was because of the newspaper plastered on the back of the drop (for opacity from upstage lights, I’m sure). This, combined with massive dusting pigment and a pretty ugly composition made it undesirable to salvage and store for restoration training. We unrolled the drop in the parking lot of the Minneapolis Scottish Rite because of the mess. It was one of 70+ scenes! This is just drop that I salvaged from the Peoria, Illinois Scottish Rite Cathedral after they transitioned to rear projections and gutted the rigging. All of the Peoria Christmas Carol Scenery had to be thrown out due to the contaminants. I ended up only saving the Peoria Scottish Rite Masonic scenery for future experimentation with restoration methods. The remainder of the collection was from the turn-of-the-twentieth century (Volland & Toomey) that Becker Studios refurbished and sold to the Peoria Scottish Rite in 1924. Over time, Twin Cities Scenic Company contributed a few pieces to the collection, such as the “Christmas Carol” in the 1940s.

Merry Christmas!

I have visited in many Scottish Rite theatres that had additional sets of painted scenery non-Masonic productions. Usually, they were produced in the 1940s of 1950s.  It was an early form of community outreach raising the awareness of Freemasonry. If you are educated about a Masonic group or have entered a Masonic building and met the members, there is less of a tendency to fear and hate them.

I have repeatedly encountered a series of painted winter scenes, many for “Christmas Carol” productions. The first time was when I acquired my own Masonic scenery collection from the Valley of Peoria, Illinois in 2010. The most recent set of winter scenes that I documented were in Quincy, Illinois.

They were painted on the BACK of existing Masonic scenes produced by Toomey and Volland Studios (St. Louis).

Enjoy these particular images as they were VERY difficult to photograph on site. Please remember that they would have been flipped to face the audience during the winter season! We will celebrate the next twelve days of Christmas with “winter scenes” from Masonic theaters!