In 1911, Thomas G. Moses wrote, “We started Brewer’s work at
the 20th Street studio, with an extra number of men. Pausback had his hands full; Scott acted
bad. Got Geo. Schultz on the staff at 20th
Street. I was obliged to remain at the Clinton Street studio, only going to 20th
Street every other day.”
Before building their main studio on Clinton Street, the Sosman
& Landis studio was located at 277 and 279 S. Clark Street in Chicago. As
business increased, it became necessary to build a larger studio to simultaneously
accommodate multiple projects. However, even the new Clinton space could not
accommodate all of the contracted projects. Therefore, some projects were
manufactured on site, Carpenters were sent ahead of scenic artists, building
paint frames in various opera houses, theaters and music halls.
Space and location was the key
to any studio’s overall success; scenic artists needed access to multiple
frames throughout a city when a very large project hit. They referred to these
additional spaces as “annex studios,” temporary locations that complimented the
main studio and business offices. Sosman and Landis opened a second
studio space on the West Side of Chicago, renting the “old Waverly theatre” and
referring to the second space as “the Annex” during August 1892. According to Thomas G. Moses, the studio measured
93 feet wide by 210 feet long and 40 feet high.
The first annex studio had four paint frames with plenty of floor
space for all kinds of work. This space
was specifically secured for Moses and his crew to accept additional work for
the Columbian Exposition. Moses’ arrangement with Sosman & Landis was to
receive all of their sub-contracted work. Moses records that his annex
studio crew included A. J. Rupert, Frank Peyrand and Harry Vincent besides a
number of assistants and paint boys. He
wrote, “It was awfully hard to keep the building warm. It was so big we had to use stoves.” Even
with his own studio, however, Moses was still constantly sent on the road to
complete on site work for the company. During these extended absences, Ed Loitz
took charge of the Annex studio.
The annex space remained open throughout 1894. During the summer
of 1894, Thomas G. Moses painted a number of small shows there. The work kept the annex studio open, despite
the decline in projects after the close of the Columbian Exposition. Moses also
wrote that the annex staff was always needed to “get the work out on time.”
In 1896,
Sosman & Landis opened another annex studio. Moses wrote, “I had so
much special work to do and it was hard to handle in the Studio. We rented the frames at the Alhambra Theatre
and I worked there during the Fall and Winter.” This annex studio, however, was located in quite a rough
neighborhood. Moses recorded the Alhambra Theatre was located on State Street and Archer
Avenue. Moses wrote, “It
was a long ride to Oak Park and I disliked the theatre. It was a very rough neighborhood – a hangout
for all the big crooks.” In 1897, Moses was still supervising the annex at the
Alhambra Theatre.
In 1907 Sosman & Landis established another Annex studio.
Of it, Moses wrote, “We opened our annex studio at 19 W. 20th Street
in July, and Ansel Cook went there as a manager. He did some very good work but
was a long time doing it, which, of course, didn’t pay us.” Moses divided his
time between Sosman & Landis’ main Clinton Street studio and the annex
studio that year, in addition to being on the road for weeks at a time. After
one extended absence from the annex studio, he wrote, “Took charge of the 20th
Street Studio on my return weeks. Cook
did $750.00 of work in three weeks. My first three amounted to $3,500.00, some
difference. I hustled while he talked art and what the firm ought to do to get
business.” Moses was obliged to stay at the 20th Street annex in
1908, commenting it was “an awful place to heat.” Nicholas J. Pausback
eventually replaced Cook as second in command.
In 1909, Moses primarily worked
at the main studio before finding himself back at the annex again. Of the move,
Moses wrote, “Sosman seemed to think I was needed there more than at 20th
Street. Pausback took charge of the 20th
Street studio.”
My research suggests that Sosman
& Landis painted approximately 1200 drops during 1909, this being very conservative
estimate. Fortunately, they had a staff of forty-eight on payroll in the main
studio and twelve in the annex to help with the ever-increasing demand for
painted scenery, stage machinery, draperies, and other theatrical equipment.
In 1911, Thomas G. Moses wrote, “I have not been as active
on my picture work this year as I was last – too much hard work. No vacation this year, and I miss that very
much, as a month means a good deal to both Mama and I.” Moses went on an annual
sketching trip every year, often accompanied by his wife and their
children. Unfortunately, 1911 was a busy
time at Sosman & Landis, with Masonic projects pouring in, as well a
variety of other projects beyond their standard opera house and theatre work.
Since the beginning of Sosman & Landis, Moses was on
the road for months at a time. Even during the first decade of the twentieth
century, much scenery was still painted on site. The practice continued as
studio space was limited and any theater could be transformed into a temporary
paint studio. Staying in one place for any significant length of time was an
anomaly for Moses, even after 1904 when he became the vice-president and a Sosman
& Landis stockholder.
When Moses was not finishing projects on site, meeting with clients, supervising installations, or securing new contracts for upcoming work; travel was a necessity. If railways gave out “frequent flyer” miles at the time, Moses would have been set at the platinum level for life. He was constantly crisscrossing the country from one coast to the other, spending many nights sleeping on a train. In many ways it must have been quite freeing, escaping the monotony of the main studio as one project systematically replaced another, yet it resulted in limited time spent with his family too. His salary, like many other scenic artists of the time, was substantial enough that he was able to afford a comfortable home, nice things, and a month-long vacation every year. Regardless of the quality of his home life, he was seldom there to enjoy it. He entered the painting profession when profits abounded in the painting industry. A talented scenic artist could quickly rise to the top of his profession, surpassing the annual salaries in most other trades at the time. Scenic artists were highly respected and appropriately compensated for their skills.
Although Moses did not enjoy a vacation during 1911, there
were plenty other reasons to rejoice that year.
On February 8, 1911, Moses wrote, “Mamie surprised us both
by informing us that she and Wm. Hanover were married in Wheaton, Illinois, on
February 8th, 1911. We are
becoming accustomed to these surprises.” “Mamie,” born Mary Titcomb Moses in
1881, was the second eldest of the couple’s children, with William “Pitt” being
the eldest (b. 1879). In 1911, Pitt was still residing in New Jersey, successfully
working with his Uncle Frank.
The next month, Lillian Ella Moses Salzmann (b. 1886), had a
baby. Of the event, Moses wrote, “Lillian presented her husband with a bouncing
son, Thomas George, in New York, March 9th. Mama went to New York to be with Lillian for
a week or so.” The couple would go on to
have four more children (Marjorie, William, Gertrude and Betty).
Of their youngest child, Rupert Thomas Moses returned
from California on March 2, 1911. The previous year he left Chicago to seek
employment there. Of this departure, Moses wrote, “Rupert went to California to
work for Shearer, but he was not put on.
He went to work for the irrigating company. They treated him better.” At the time, Rupert
was 22 years old. He would later enter the theatrical trade with his father,
traveling across country and completing various Sosman & Landis projects.
Rupert was also an artists and the two would even spend time sketching at the
Palette & Chisel club’s Fox Lake camp.
By the fall of 1911 the Moses family began to expand
again. In November Moses wrote, “Miss Ula McNeill of Ames, Iowa,
Rupert’s best girl, paid us a short visit…She appeared to be a very amiable
young woman and we enjoyed meeting her.” The two would be married by 1914 and
raised three girls (Evelyn, Doris and Marilyn). As an undergraduate, I met
Doris at her farm while accompanying Lance Brockman on a research trip during
the early 1990s. After our visit to her farm, we corresponded for a time. Doris described her talented grandfather and her
memories of Moses. In 2016, I began corresponding with both of Marilyn’s sons,
getting a new sense of Moses’ personality.
Rupert’s family would stay close
to Tom and Ella, even living in their Oak Park home, when they went away to
Oakland, California. Upon their return, Rupert and his family stayed with other
family members in Ames, Iowa. After the
stock market crash, however, Rupert’s family permanently resided in the Oak
Park home with Tom and Ella. Of this transition, Marilyn wrote, “We weren’t
used to having anyone else in the house and neither were my grandparents.” In a
full house, the granddaughters would recall being warned against bothering their
grandpa when he was painting. Granddaughter Marilyn recalled, “Grandfather had
a studio on the third floor of his house. He spent most of his time up there
painting.” She continued, “Grandmother tried to ‘protect’ Grandfather from his
grandchildren or maybe it was his working time, which was important. I didn’t
realize the reasons behind the rules. I would go up to the studio to watch. It
was quite exciting to see the sets develop. Grandfather taught me how to make
furniture out of cardboard and put me to work. I made tables, chairs and
The Moses family home in Oak Park, Illinois.The Moses family home in Oak Park, Illinois.The Moses family home in Oak Park, Illinois.The Moses family home in Oak Park, Illinois.The Moses family home in Oak Park, Illinois.
Marilyn described evening in the
Moses home later in lofe, “In home life, dinner was always a party with a lot
of conversation about all things going on in everyone’s lives. Conversations
would trigger reminiscences and Grandfather would be off on one of his tales of
the past.” Moses’ stories even helped the grandchildren out with their homework
too. After dinner, the three granddaughters were expected to complete any
homework assigned that day. Of her grandfather’s nightly dinner conversation,
Marilyn wrote, “He was a good source for material for English compositions. We
would take the gist of his stories and develop them in an embellished creation.
His life was exciting between his travels and the people he met and associates
in connection with his work. Being a stage set designer he met actors and
actresses and opera singers. Some we met not through his work but through
social contacts and fraternal organizations.”
Each evening ended with Marilyn fetching an apple from the basement cellar for her grandfather to munch on during a game of cards. After he finished his apple, Moses would go to his room and write in his journal.
On July 4, 1911, Thomas G. Moses wrote, “Mama and I went to
Kilbourn, Wisconsin, to get away from the noise and heat. I think we ran right
into it. I have this written up
elsewhere.” Moses is referring to his travelogues and their visit to the area
now known as the Wisconsin Dells. Many artists and their families escaped the
heat of Chicago during the summer, venturing beyond city limits to nearby lake
resorts and summer homes. Without any
effective way to cool the air in homes or businesses during the early twentieth
century, cooler breezes near a lake or river offered much needed relief to those
who could afford venturing north. This is one of the reasons that Chicago’s
Palette & Chisel Club members established their summer camp near Fox Lake
Camp 1906.
Map of Kilbourn, WisconsinKilbourn, Wisconsin, postcardKilbourn, Wisconsin, postcardKilbourn, Wisconsin, postcard
Kilbourn, Wisconsin, was due north of Baraboo, home to the
Ringling Brothers Circus at the time. Moses repeatedly visited Al Ringling in
Baraboo from 1904 until 1915 when he was designing elaborate settings for the
Ringlings’ grand circus spectacles. The
city of Kilbourn was located in the area, along the Wisconsin River. First
identified in public records during 1856, the city named after Byron Kilbourn.
Kilbourn was a surveyor, railroad executive, and politician who was also
significant in the founding of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The town of Kilbourn was an ideal location, the midway point on the railway between Chicago and Minneapolis. It was also a well-known resort area known for the picturesque landscape. In 1875, landscape photographer H. H. Bennett established a studio in the Kilbourn, where he captured the nearby sandstone formations that helped publicize the resort town. He distributed his photographs and stereoscopic cards across the United States, promoting the area as a destination location for sightseers. He also offered souvenir pictures of visitors, and was an ever-increasing asset to the area’s tourist trade. The old H. H. Bennett Studio is now a historic site operated by the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Kilbourn, WisconsinKilbourn, Wisconsin, postcard
The name of Kilbourn City was officially changed to
Wisconsin Dells in 1931. Home to boat tours and a variety of popular
amusements, the area continues to attract a mass influx of visitors every year.
It is also the home to Tommy Bartlett’s Water Ski & Jumping Boat Thrill
Show (est. 1952), later known as the Tommy Bartlett Show. Tourism remains a
major contributor to the economy, now advertised as the “Waterpark Capital of
the World.”
I return to the life and times of Thomas G. Moses tomorrow,
after almost a month on the road. Travel
in August brought me from Whitehorse in the Yukon to a small rural town near
Fargo, North Dakota. Unbelievably, cellular service was far better in the Yukon
than northern Minnesota – go figure. My final trip was to the Western Minnesota
Steam Threshers Reunion (WMSTR), a yearly exposition held every Labor Day
weekend near Rollag in Northwestern Minnesota. For 47 years, our family has attended the show. My annual trip to Rollag continues to fuel my
love and appreciation of history. There is nothing like seeing a tractor fueled
by steam slowly inch by, puffing all the way.
2019 at Rollag
My mother was the first person to make history come alive
for me. She has always excelled as a
storyteller, a skill that greatly helped her communicate information to not
only me, but also to her students over the years. The next greatest factor that
contributed to my fascination with history was the Western Minnesota Steam
Threshers Reunion, a unique type of living history museum that features a steam
locomotive, a pioneer exhibit, a horse-power farm, two sawmills, and a
multitude of engines powered by steam, kerosene and gasoline. People come from
across the country to see the power of steam and how it tamed the prairie. The
show has become the largest of its kind in North America.
The WMSTR Railroad’s 353The WMSTR Railroad’s No. 3, also known as the Porter Engine
My father was the first of our family to venture to this four-day event with his good friend and co-worker Ray Granstrom during the 1960s. He helped install the Corliss engine, a massive machine with a 17-foot flywheel.
The Corliss Engine at WMSTR
By 1972, my mother and I attended the show for the first time and instantly became hooked. I have only missed four shows since 1972. Two of those times were when my children were mere infants, and I refused to let their little lungs get a good dose of airborne particulates wafting from various steam engines.
Plumes of black smoke pour from hundreds of steam engines on the grounds at WMSTR
In the beginning, camping was primitive, with outhouses and limited access to running water. As a small child, this was an added bonus, no shower for almost a week! Our friends and family always knew that each Labor Day weekend we were working on the show grounds in some capacity. Over the years, our work changed as our roles shifted within the organization. My father started out in the Blacksmith shop, making little rings out of nails. He later ran the sound system in the Threshermen’s Memorial Building (TMB) before becoming the official Hobo on the WMSTR railroad.
Ray Waszut is the WMSTR Railroad Hobo
My mother started out doing a variety of thankless jobs that
no one wanted to do, including cleaning toilets. At the time, playing music on
the grounds wasn’t considered “work” and each member had to sign up for a
specific job. Progress was slow, but eventually the contributions of musicians
were recognized, sadly a little too late for many. My mother went from
borrowing Arne Gunderson’s accordion in 1972 to play in the Quonset building,
to running the entire music program on the grounds. The greatest lesson that I
learned from her over the years was how to make everyone feel respected and appreciated,
regardless of their skillset. She still
encourages young musicians, cajoles older ones, and makes sure that everyone
has a chance to be in the spotlight.
Lou Waszut and Donna Peterson grew up miles apart. yet did not meet until 1972. They played music for years and remain close friends. The two would eventually become honorary Steam Queens.
My mother now plays accordion in the Mercantile Building for
eight-hours every day of the show. My father is still a drummer, but now only
accompanies her on nursing home day. Over the years, my parents have played
with a variety of musicians on the show grounds, at parades, across the country
and at home in the Twin Cities. I grew
up listening to musical selections that spanned genres and decades. Whether is was polkas, waltzes, old time,
country, or pop, I intimately knew all of the melodies and lyrics for each.
There is something to be said about being an only child in a room full of
musicians. I spent countless hours sketching in the corner with laughter and
music in the background.
Our eldest child, Isa, singing in the Mercantile Building for the WMSTR. 2016
I watched friendships develop between musicians whose
political and religious views were diametrically opposed. Fights occasionally
erupted over a variety of social issues, but they would eventually subside, each
friendship continuing on as before. They all shared the common language of
music and this single commonality overrode a multitude of differences. I miss hearing
the peacemaking and an overall desire to respect each other despite their differing
views. Music bridges the gaps between individuals.
My own work on the grounds shifted over the decades
too. By the age of seven, I was scooping
ice cream and selling balloons. As a teenager, I worked alongside Maxine and
Edra in the Ladies Boutique, selling handmade trinkets and chatting with
visitors. These service jobs taught me how to handle both people and money, an
invaluable asset that would greatly assist me later in my career. Other jobs included
setting up and running the soundboard in the TMB under the direction of my
father, as well emceeing the style show.
Music program in the TMB at night.
It was the latter that shaped my public speaking skills and
ability to think quickly on my feet in front of a crowd. Beginning as a model at the age of four, I
was first handed the microphone as a pre-teen to describe my historic outfits. By
my late teens, I was co-emceeing of the style show and describing a variety of
outfits that randomly appeared on stage. By the age of twenty, I was sole
emcee, upping my game and providing historical context for the shifts in fashion. Instead of having models appear in random
outfits, I started to have groups come out, each representing the various
fashion trends for every decade, starting in the 1870s. We spruced up the stage and I donated some
backdrops. For years, my mother and Donna Peterson also rushed over to provide
background music, appropriate songs for each decade.
As the style show themes increased in complexity, so did my
preparation. Over the years themes included, a Century of Progress, Women’s
Rights, Courtship Through the Ages, World Fairs, Military Attire, and much
more. My husband became integral to the
style show, prompting other men to join in, always a very rare resource. Both
of our children also joined in. Our eldest, Isa, and Andrew performing duets
between decades. However, after twenty years of preparation, study, selecting
historic outfits for random individuals, pairing groups of models, and
emceeing, I passed the baton to another; I was burned out.
The style show strengthened my ability to discuss a topic
and improvise for almost two straight hours without any intermission. The whistle of the steam engines and noise
from the passing machines would compete with every show, training me to pause
and make sure the audience could clearly understand me. I learned not to rush and acknowledge those working
on the show, whether they were a dresser, model, musician, or sound technician.
WMSTR, 2017
I never used notes for the show, unless I was reading a specific
quote that pertained to the times. Occasionally an outfit was assembled without
my knowledge, a surprise that mismatched several eras at once. This opportunity trained me to think quickly
on my feet and not get flustered. In the end, I learned about American history
and how to communicate interesting information to others, all the while entertaining
Times have changed on the grounds; the old time fiddle
jamboree has disappeared, replaced with more contemporary country music. There
are very few of the older musicians left.
The farmers who would dutifully show up with their fiddle to jam are a
rare sight. Yet, I still hear the echo of every musician that played with my
parents. Although many are no longer known or remembered, they are still part
every show for me.
Looking across Gunderson Lake at the WMSTR showgrounds
Wendy Waszut-Barrett, President of Historic Stage Services, and Jenny Knott, Rosco Project Manager, taught another painting class as part of the annual conference and trade show for CITT/ICTS Rendez-Vous 2019. In the past, we have taught historic and contemporary techniques for drapery painting and foliage. This year, we were inspired by Klondike history, teaching “All That Glitters is Not Gold: Painting the Magic.” We simultaneously explored historic gold-painting techniques and metallic finishes for decorative objects.
Our studio was the old Whitehorse Fire Hall, now a performance space. Located along the fast-flowing Yukon River, for short breaks, we were able to step outside and enjoy the view of old pilings that once supported the piers where riverboats stopped to deliver supplies.
The Old Fire Hall where the CITT/ICTS scene painting class took place.The Yukon River near the old fire hall in Whitehorse.Walking path along the Yukon River in Whitehorse.
After arriving in town and prepping for the workshop, Jenny and I were able to rejuvenate our batteries. Prior to my arrival in town, Jenny visited a local glass studio and bumped into the owner. An invitation was extended to Jenny; traveling north to kayak at her nearby cabin. I was fortunate to be a lucky recipient of the kindness, and the two of us paddled around a lake during the evening of my first full day in the Yukon.
Our visit to the rustic cabin, north of Whitehorse.Wendy Waszut-Barrett kayaking in the Yukon.Kayaking in the Yukon.Kayaking in the Yukon.A view on our trip back from the cabin in the Yukon.Fireweed in bloom.
There is something to be said about a gesture of kindness from a stranger, especially one at this magnitude. It immediately shapes your perception of the area and the people. The friendship and kindness extended by the local residents of Whitehorse is quite astounding, and humbling. The experience of kayaking on a serene lake, exploring the shoreline and hearing the loons was magical. I have not been so relaxed in years, with no solid plan or agenda. The beautiful log cabin had neither running water nor electricity, but there were welcome instructions, a gorgeous view, and the much-needed serenity. If ever I needed validation of being on the right track, doing the right thing at the right time, this was it.
Jenny and I ended up scheduling a “hot date” to create glass at Lumel Studios, our host’s company. We spent an hour, shaping and blowing glass in the shapes of paper weights, balls and bowls. What a transformative experience!
Wendy Waszut-Barrett making glass at Lumel Studio in Whitehorse.Jenny Knott blowing glass at Lumel Studios in Whitehorse.
I have never stopped being a student. I love learning and working with my hands. Whether it is tuck-pointing, landscaping, gardening, embroidery, or other crafts, there is an energy that emerges when completing the project. This is intensified when learning with phenomenal instructors. The hour spent at Lumel Studios was a golden moment, that is now stored in my treasure box of memories.
I cannot stress enough how wonderful CITT/ICTS is for my spirit. Kindred spirits and positive personalities that celebrate the moment while planning for the future. It is always an impressive and inspirational event.
I am taking a break from posting photographs of historic scenery until early September, as I am out of the country again. I am teaching a scene painting class with Jenny Knott of Rosco for CITT/ICTS (Canadian Institute of Theatre Technology).
This year, the national conference is in Whitehorse, a small city of 30,000 citizens in the Yukon.
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
From here, I venture south to Canmore and Banff, and then west to the Fargo-Moorhead area for the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion. To keep me busy on my travels, I am transcribing the last four handwritten diaries of scenic artist Thomas G. Moses (1856-1934). See you in September with a new backdrop theme!
Until then enjoy today’s my post to FB Page Dry Pigment, where I daily post images and painted details of historic scenery. Scenery by Toomey & Volland for the Scottish Rite in St.Louis, Missouri, 1923. These posts will also resume in September.
Scenery by Toomey & Volland for the Scottish Rite in St.Louis, Missouri, 1923.Backside of backdrop. Scenery by Toomey & Volland for the Scottish Rite in St.Louis, Missouri, 1923.Scenery by Toomey & Volland for the Scottish Rite in St.Louis, Missouri, 1923.Scenery by Toomey & Volland for the Scottish Rite in St.Louis, Missouri, 1923.Scenery by Toomey & Volland for the Scottish Rite in St.Louis, Missouri, 1923.Scenery by Toomey & Volland for the Scottish Rite in St.Louis, Missouri, 1923.Scenery by Toomey & Volland for the Scottish Rite in St.Louis, Missouri, 1923.
While looking for additional information pertaining to
Thomas G. Moses’ Kansas exhibit at the 1911 Chicago Land Show, I came across an
interesting article about a panorama painted for the Omaha Land show that
opened in the Omaha Coliseum on October 16, 1911. It was the artist that caught
my eye, a new name for me. As I
researched his history and artistic philosophy, it prompted me to include him
in the storyline. Arts education for children and its benefits for society are
not a new concept, individuals have been fighting for the inclusion of art
classes in American public schools for over a century. What my generation once
took for granted, daily arts classes, metallurgy, or woodworking, is not
necessarily part of out children’s academic experience anymore.
Here is the article published in the “Daily Bee” that
initially brought George L. Schreiber to my attention (“Vale depicted in
Panorama,” Omaha, Nebraska, 11 October 1911, page 5):
“One of the first big exhibits for the Omaha Land Show which
opens in the Coliseum next Monday arrived from Salem, Ore. The displays are
representative of eight counties in the Willamette valley.
A novel and interesting feature will be the panoramic
painting depicting the characteristics of the fertile land in the valley. The
panorama was painted by George L. Schrieber, who is already here to install the
big canvas. As a painting it is a work of art and it is bound to attract much
attention. Electrical effects to show the variation of the light from the break
of day until sundown will make the canvas all the more realistic. W. T. Groves,
who will have charge of the soil products display from Willamette valley, has
arrived in Omaha and is awaiting the arrival of the exhibit. He will display
fruits, grasses, forage and garden products, demonstrating the wide diversity
of crops raised in his section of the country. In addition to the exhibit there
will be a lecturer here to give illustrated talks on the Willamette valley.”
In additional to this grand painting, the article continued,
“The Bolster-Trowbridge Company has announced that it will give away a carload
of grape juice to the visitors at the Land Show. The liquor will come from
California, where the company has large interests. The wines made in California
are regarded highly among connoisseurs and the Trowbridge-Bolster booth at the
Land show will no doubt be found every attractive to many visitors.”
Of Schrieber’s work, “The Statesman Journal” reported “a
representative of the Kansas City exposition was enthusiastic in his praises of
the display and was very anxious to have the same exhibition at Kansas City”
(Salem, Oregon, 7 Nov. 1911, page 1). There was a Land Show in Kansas City the
following year.
Little is known of Schreiber, beyond a dozen newspaper
article that provide a peak into his life in Chicago, and later, Salem, Oregon.
Although few, the story is compelling and tells of his passion to teach art. In
January 1894, Schreiber taught semi-weekly courses on the history of art at the
Chicago Art Institute( Inter ocean, 24, Dec. 1893, page 15), His classes were held
at the Newberry Library Center, using Mrs. D. K. Pearson’s collection of Braun
photographs. For the Columbian Exposition,
Schreiber was selected to do the painted decor for the Children’s Building,
illustrating the decorative movement in education (Chicago Tribune, 11,
February 1893, page 9). What is fascinating is that Schreiber’s work was
directed by a committee of kindergarteners.
In 1896, Schreiber was on the advisory committee of artists,
alongside James William Pattison and Caroline D. Wade for the juries of
selection and admission to the Chicago Institute of Art (Chicago Tribune, 26
July 1896, page 42). The following year, he exhibited several pieces at the
annual exhibition of the Cosmopolitan Club held in conjunction with the
chrysanthemum show at Battery D. He showed a large number of works combining
the figures of children in landscapes. The “Chicago Tribune” reported that
Schreiber also exhibited “a portrait of himself, a figure of a mother caressing
her child, and a fantasy of a Japanese girl surrounded by chrysanthemums” (7
Nov. 1897, 43).
The Children’s Building, Columbia Exposition, from the “Chicago Tribune,”11 Feb 1893, page 9 The Children’s Building, Columbia Exposition, from the “Chicago Tribune,”11 Feb 1893, page 9The Children’s Building, Columbia Exposition, from the “Chicago Tribune,”11 Feb 1893, page 9
It was his participation in the 1900 national conference for
the Mothers’ League in Chicago that caught my eye, however. Schreiber was one
of the featured speakers for the event and his topic was “What Shall Art Mean
to the Child?” (The Saint Paul Globe, 22 July 1900, page 21). For the remainder
of his life, Schreiber was an advocate for art, giving many lectures on the
benefits of art, not only on children, but also the life of the community. His
passion for arts education brought him to the public schools in Salem, Oregon.
By 1911, Mr. George L. Schreiber was listed as the
supervisor of drawing in the Salem public schools (The Capital Journal, Salem
Oregon, 22 Sept, 1911, page 5). His
assistant was Miss Virginia May Mann and the two were quite a pair, enriching
the lives of the area’s children. “The Capital Journal” reported that Salem is “probably
the only city in the state which the pupils are not required to buy textbooks
in drawing, the teacher himself being the textbook. The school board furnishes
the drawing paper, clay, charcoal, and materials for basketry, and the pupils
buy their own watercolors at the bookstores. Drawing is one of the most
practical and useful studies in the public schools, and one in which the pupils
are becoming more interested.” In addition to drawing, the pupils of the
grammar grades were taught sewing and woodwork, the former to the girls of the
seventh and eight grades, and the latter to the boys of these grades.
In a 1912 article, Professor George L. Schreiber delivered
an address to the men of the “Salem Six O’clock Club.” His talk explored the
influence of art and the effect it has on the life of the community. The speech
is really quite wonderful, especially with Schreiber’s primary point being,
“The child or the man who has once opened his eyes to beauty is safe to trust
because he thereby becomes a caretaker.” I believe that the sentiment holds
true today, especially when you look at the individuals who are attacking the
necessity of art in public education or any sort of funding for the arts. In
1912, Schreiber also addressed the beautification of public spaces, public
parks and the corresponding result of civic pride in one’s environment;
artistic endeavors enrich a community and bring individuals together. Schreiber’s
closing remarks in the “Salem Six O’Clock Club” speech stressed, “If we have
faith in our community, let us then invest it with our faith and clothe it with
beauty, and, in the years to come, when our heirs shall possess it they will
say, ‘Our fathers have builded well; they have given us a fair inheritance.”
We live in a time when the arts are a constant target. Will
our children and grandchildren feel that we have given them a “fair
inheritance.” I hope so.
In 1911, Thomas G. Moses wrote, “Lawrence, Kansas, yielded a
Masonic job, which meant a lot of work for the Land Show.” Land shows were held
for the purpose of exhibiting and explaining the agricultural and other
resources of the states with exhibits that included lectures and the
distribution of information.
The Chicago Land Show, 1911.
Scenery for Lawrence Scottish Rite was a little free
advertising for Sosman & Landis, leading to the Kansas exhibit for the Land
Show in Chicago. On Nov. 8, 1911, the “Evening Telegram” reported that Charles
I. Zirkle of Topeka was leaving for Chicago to “install the Kansas Land Show
exhibit” (Garden City, Kansas, page 3). Later, Zirkle spoke at the “Kansas
Realty Men” convention in Topeka, delivering the same daily lecture from the
Chicago land show that promoted settlement and travel to the Kansas (Parson
Daily Sun, Parsons, Kansas, 29 Dec. 1911, page 4).
In 1911, Land Shows were held in Minneapolis, Houston, Los
Angeles, New York, Omaha, Pittsburgh, and Salt Lake City. Of the Land Show in
Los Angeles during 1911, the “Los Angeles Times reported, “The big railroad
companies interested in the settlement of the West immediately grasped the
possibilities of the show and bought space in the Coliseum Building and spent
many thousands of dollars in getting together splendid exhibits of fruits,
grains and vegetables from districts along their line.” (5 Nov. 1911, page 21).
A general sales agent for the Southern Pacific Railroad said, “The big land
shows are a wonderful illustration of newspaper initiative and railroad
co-operation,” explaining that when the land shows commenced, Chicago was then
“the great land distributing center of the country.”
Advertisement for the Omaha Land Show from the “Omaha Daily Bee,” Jan 19, 1911, page 16 Advertisement for the Omaha Land Show from the “Omaha Daily Bee,” Oct 18, 1911
For the Chicago Land Show, the “Chicago Daily Tribune”
advertised the event as “the greatest exposition in Chicago since the World’s
Fair” in 1893 (Nov. 16, 1911, page 20). The exposition was held in the Chicago
Coliseum on Wabash Ave., near 16th St. and exhibiting space was valued
at $47,000 and filled with the finest produce of the land from fifteen states,
inviting men and women of Chicago to exchange their steam-heated flats for
rural homes.
The Union Pacific Railroad exhibit at the Chicago Coliseum was
installed at an expense of $20,000, consisting of three specially prepared
rooms and thousands of feet of moving picture films. Of the exhibit, the
newspapers described, “Continental moving picture travelogues are to be
operated in the rooms, illustrating mining and agricultural industries in the
territory through which the railroad furnishes transportation (Nov. 16, 1911,
page 20).
Local advertisements urged, “Come down and talk to the men,
who like yourself, could not get ahead in the big city and who gave up their
jobs, went West and South and are now independent of the landlord.” Each day of
the Land Show, one farm was given away
to a lucky visitor. Other daily prizes included potatoes; 40,000 of which were
distributed on Idaho day at the expense of the state. The State of California
shipped in seven carloads of fruit and one
carload of violets to be presented to female visitors on California day.
An advertisement for the Chicago Land Show, from the “Chicago Tribune,” Nov. 16, 1911, page 20
The first Land Show was held during 1909. In 1911, it was estimated that $33,000 were
spent by the management and exhibitors in decorating the interior of the
coliseum, with the entire collection of exhibits valued at $150,000, the
spending equivalent of over $4,000,000 today. Of the $150,000 in 1911, $47,000
worth of products was sold during the show, and increase from $34,000 in 1909.
Of the Salt Lake City Exhibits, the “Los Angeles Times”
reported, “According to the Salta Lake Tribune, the Commerical Club and the
Utah Development Company of Salt Lake are arranging one of the best exhibits
that Utah can produce for tge land show here.‘The results of the exhibit sent
to the last land show at the Los Angeles were so successful that it is proposed
to make the best of this opportunity.’ Says the Tribune. Elaborate and
extensive preparations are in progress in Salt Lake City for a series of
excursions from the city during the land show, and it is expected that hundeds
of members of the Commercial Club and other organizations will come here
especially to attend the exposition. General Manager Wilson is in receipt of a
letter from Frederick Thompson, scenic artist, who designed Luna Park,
Dreamland and A Trip to the Moon at Coney Island, stating that he will submit
plans for decorations and entertainment which he expects to surpass anything
heretofore attempted in the West” (“Los Angeles Times” 5 Nov. 1911, page 21).
In 1911, Thomas G. Moses wrote, “Lawrence, Kansas, yielded a
Masonic job.” The scenery and stage
machinery were similar to that installed at Scottish Rite theaters in Wichita,
Kansas, Winona and St. Paul, Minnesota, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Grand Forks,
North Dakota, Tucson, Arizona, and the list goes on. Although smaller in scope
than some of the other scenery collections, the same counterweight system (Brown’s
Special system) was installed, with the lines spaced on four-inch centers. Like
many other Scottish Rite Valleys in the first two deacdes of the twentieth
century, funds were pouring in and men with vision planned massive edifices to
accommodate the ever-increasing membership. Unfortunately, this period of
unprecedented growth often meant that no plans were in place for extended
periods of membership decline or financial challenges.
The Masonic Temple in Lawrence, Kansas, once home to the Scottish RiteThe Scottish Rite theater, used for 94 years before the building was sold.The painted front curtain of the stage at the Lawrence Masonic Temple, painted by Sosman & Landis and mentioned in the memoirs of Thomas G. Moses (1856-1934).Scenery produced by Sosman & Landis for the Scottish Rite in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1911.Scenery produced by Sosman & Landis for the Scottish Rite in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1911.Scenery produced by Sosman & Landis for the Scottish Rite in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1911.Scenery produced by Sosman & Landis for the Scottish Rite in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1911.Scenery produced by Sosman & Landis for the Scottish Rite in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1911.Scenery produced by Sosman & Landis for the Scottish Rite in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1911.Scenery produced by Sosman & Landis for the Scottish Rite in Lawrence, Kansas, in 1911.
Ninety-two years later, the building was on the market,
citing those two exact issues. It was one of the early Scottish Rite theaters
to change hands, signaling the start of a shift within the Southern
Jurisdiction. At the turn of the twentieth century, the Kansas Scottish rite
was riding the crest of expansion in the Southern Jurisdiction. They were at
the forefront of a new movement as Scottish Rite theaters and degree
productions spread like rapidfire. In 1911, there were seven Scottish Rite
Valleys in Kansas, located in Kansas City, Fort Scott, Salina, Topeka,
Lawrence, Wichita, and Leavenworth. In
1919, the “Lawrence Daily Journal-World” reported, “Largest Class in History”
(28 January 1919, page 1). The article noted, “With the addition of more
candidates for the Scottish Rite degrees, the mid-winter class now being
conducted thorugh the mysteries of higher Masonry, has now become the largest
class in the history of the Lawrence Scottish Rite bodies. There are now 119
candidates in the class.” This was a new trend, adding a mid-winter reunion to
the standard fall and spring schedule.
The need to add an additional reunion each year to accommodate increased
numbers of candidates shows how rapidly the Scottish Rite Rite was expanding
in, Kansas. The “Fort Scott
Tribune,” reported “The four bodies of
Scottish Rite Masonry have just adopted plans for a reunion which will be
somewhat a deviation from former reunions and an innovation in Masonry. A
midwinter reunion is to be held next year, the dates being February 12, 13 and
14th” (Fort Scott Tribune, 19 Dec. 1911, page 6).
Almost a century later, Kansas was again riding the crest of
another Scottish Rite wave – one of declining membership, lost properties and missing
artifacts. In May 2003, the Scottish Rite building was placed on the market. So
what happened in Kansas?
Faced with aging membership and
ever-increasing costs, Lawrence-area Freemasons have decided to sell the
majestic Scottish Rite Temple, 1001 Mass.
“This isn’t something that any of us want to do. It hurts,”
said Tom Wilkerson, the organization’s executive secretary. “But we’ve
projected out the costs of operations, and we know we can’t continue to draw on
our resources like we have. It has to be done.”
The buyer will have the option of also buying the buildings
that house the Scottish Rite office and the Variety Store at 1005 and 1007
Mass., respectively.
‘We’ll entertain any proposal received,’ Wilkerson said. [my
thought: bad move to put that in print].
Built in 1911, the Egyptian Revival-style building features
several meeting rooms, a 275-seat auditorium and balcony, and, in the basement,
a dining room that’s 55 feet wide and a half-block long.
A kitchen, too, is downstairs in an area carved out from
underneath the sidewalk alongside the north side of the building. The building
does not have an elevator.
Suspended above the auditorium’s stage are 55 backdrops —
each painted long ago by art students from Kansas University — that are raised
or lowered in accordance with the particular Scottish Rite ceremony being
“We’ll keep those,” Wilkerson said.
The building is listed with Coldwell Banker McGrew
Real Estate.
“There’s been quite a bit of interest in
it,” said Doug Brown, the Realtor assigned to the property. “The fact that the
building has historic significance and that it’s on Mass. is quite a draw for
Brown said the building was “incredibly well-built” and
could be converted to a variety of uses.
“The upstairs, maybe, could be turned into apartments; the
downstairs to retail,” he said. “It would be a great place for receptions.”
“Or an upscale restaurant,” said Carol vonTersch, president
of the Lawrence Preservation Alliance. “There’s been talk of that in the past,
but, at the time, the Masons weren’t ready to sell.”
The Alliance, vonTersch said, hoped to work with whoever
buys the building.
“It’s a very important building in the downtown area. People
remember that building,” she said. “We’re exceedingly concerned about what’s to
happen to it, I can assure you of that.”
It’s not yet known where the Masons will go after the
building is sold.
“A committee has been appointed that’ll make that decision,”
Wilkerson said. “A lot of it’s going to depend on whether the buyer wants the
buildings next door. If they don’t, we’ll probably move into where The Variety
Store is now; if they do, we’ll either buy a building or build something new.”
Wilkerson said about 500 men and women belong to the masonic
lodges and auxiliaries that use the temple. Most are unable to attend the
monthly meetings.
“Our mean age is 66,” he said of the membership. “That’s pretty
Wilkerson attributed the decline in membership to lackluster
recruiting and increased demands on members’ time.
“It’s a sad thing to say, but being in a fraternal organization
takes away from a person’s family time and, over the years, that’s just gotten
harder and harder to do,” he said. “All the service organizations are going
through the same thing.” [my thought: not a great advertisement to join].
Wilkerson says the Mason’s reputation for secrecy far
exceeds reality.
“Actually, we kind of joke about that,” he said. “Our
meetings are closed, that’s true. But if somebody really wanted to know what
was going on, they could just go to the library. Books have been written about
Wilkerson said there’s nothing secret about the building.
“We rent it out for receptions and things,” he said. “And before we decided to
sell, we’d talked about opening it up to public for tours or ham-and-bean
On June 24, 2005, the same newspaper reported that the
Lawrence-area Scottish Rite Freemasons were saying goodbye to their 94-year old
building and holding an open house and formal relocation ceremony at the new
Lawrence Masonic Center, at 1601 W 23rd St., citing, “The 5,500-square-foot
store-front-style space is more practical and cheaper to lease and operate than
the old building at 1001 Mass., which was purchased by Lawrence developer Doug
Compton.” The article noted, “Local Freemasons are hoping the new building and
new look will help attract younger men to the organization.” Now, I don’t
know about you, but meeting in a shopping mall would not necessarily be any incentive
for me to join the Fraternity, but then, I am not potential candidate material.
Here is the link to the full article:
Of the new location, the “Lawrence Journal-World” reported,
“Their new building features an entrance that leads into a commons or reception
area, complete with
a conference table and chairs. Nearby is a large room that can be used for
dinners and banquets. There is a library, a storage room
and a large meeting room near the back with a skylight over the venerable
master’s chair at one end of the room. The building will serve as a meeting
place for 362 Scottish Rite members with several Lawrence-area Masonic orders.
It was chosen after attempts to find a suitable building that could be
purchased failed. ‘We were going to buy, but everything was so expensive,’ said
Danny Keller, the assistant personal representative for Lawrence Valley. ‘We
had a lot of problems, so we just decided to lease for a few years.’
When I visited Lawrence last summer, we drove by the Masonic
Center, now just down the street from the previous shopping mall location. It remainded me of the many pole barns that
store tractors in the Midwest. For an
organization that often links its history to the operative masons and cathedral
builders of Europe, it is a little embarrassing to see the Scottish Rite eagle
on a small window surrounded metal siding.
I was unable to venture inside, but there was no indication of a theater
or fly tower in sight. When Wilkerson explained that the Scottish Rite was
going to retain the 55 drops from the old temple, I have to wonder where they
are now.
The new home for the Scottish Rite and other Lawrence-area MasonsThe Scottish Rite eagle attached to the side of the new Masonic Center in Lawrence, Kansas.
On July 14, 1911, Thomas G. Moses wrote, “I went to
Chattanooga, Tenn., to make some sketches from Missionary Ridge, and took a run
up Mt. Lookout – believe me it is my last.
I don’t care for the sensation of the incline. I got some good photos and had Mr. Reif’s car
and chauffeur to take me anywhere. I
went the limit and saw everything, and made three pencil sketches. Closed another contract on the strength of my
sketches – $1,800.00.”
View from Missionary Ridge in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Moses was referring to Charles Reif, president of the Chattanooga
Brewing Company. Reif was the son of Brewery founder George Reif who
established the business in 1890. A George immigrant, Reif came to America in
1861, settling in Cincinnati where he worked at a meat packing plant. George
invested in beer, becoming a major shareholder in Jung Brewing Co until it was
sold in 1889. By 1890, the Reif family moved to Chattanooga, where George became
one of the principle men who bought the brewing business of Conrad Geise &
Co. The business was soon incorporated, as the Chattanooga Brewing Co. George
remained the president the company until his passing in 1899, when control of
the company was passed to his son, Charles, born in 1865.
Advertisement with George Reif listed as President and Manager. Son, Charles Reif is listed as the Secretary and Treasurer.
By 1911, the Chattanooga Brewing Co. was quite large,
distributing approximately 150,000 barrels of beer annually. Chicago hosted an
International Brewers’ Congress during October 1911 that was devoted to showing
visitors various beer exhibits. The Chattanooga Brewing Co. was one of many companies
who contracted Sosman & Landis to create their exhibit for the Brewer’s Show,
held at the Chicago Coliseum. Of the Chattanooga Brewery Co. project, Moses
wrote, “Our Chattanooga picture came out best of all. It was a perfect representation of the city
and the surrounding country.”
Chattanooga Brewing
In the spring of 1911 Thomas G. Moses wrote, “Early in April
I started on the designs for the Brewers’ Show, in which they wanted to
demonstrate that beer is a food and not a beverage.” Other exhibitors with
exhibits by Sosman & Landis included the Schoenhoffen Brewing Company and
the Dubuque Brewing and Malting Company.
“Our Beers are Pure Liquid Food” “Chattanooga Brewing Co. advertisement.Advertisement from the “Jackson Daily News,” 10 Aug 1910, page 6 (2)
As the work for Brewer’s exhibits commenced, Moses wrote,
“We started Brewer’s work at the 20th Street studio, with an extra
number of men…The Brewer’s Show opened October 12th with enormous
crowds. Had a lot of trouble getting our
work into the building….Sosman was well pleased, as there was a good profit in
the work. Some of the brewers thought I
had overcharged them.” In the end, the Brewery Show of 1911 was a success. By
October 23, over 94,000 patrons attended the exposition and consumed over
500,000 glasses of beer (Statesman Journal, 24 Oct, 1911, page 9). Sosman &
Landis secured $25,350.00 in contracts for the event, today’s equivalent
purchasing power of $683,361.28 – a sizable amount of work. For the opening of
the show, the “Chicago Tribune” quoted Henry E. O. Heinemann, secretary of the
exposition, “Thousands of dollars have been spent for the foundations alone, so
tons of brewing machinery must be properly set. An army of painters,
decorators, scene builders, and machinists was busy all day and far into the
night getting everything ready for the opening” (12 October 1911, page 7).
The success of the Brewer’s Show did not last long, however,
as change was in the air. The Chattanooga Brewing Co. only operated until 1915,
when Prohibition forced them to close their doors. The brand lay dormant for
decades until recently. In 2010 the company was resurrected at 1804 Chestnut
St. In Chattanooga, Tennessee. Here is the new website if you are thirsty and in
the area: